Sunday, August 29, 2010

Free Venn Diagram Generator

The candy store. A journey through art and history

The Candy Shop

A journey through art and history

Click on images to view big

I do not know why, but the image of a candy store, something like that now bring the image collection, "is something that goes with me since childhood.

Possibly saw that picture somewhere I do not remember now. Maybe in a movie, or more likely, now comes to me head on an episode of Pippi Longstocking . That one I remember, and also some vague image of a movie with James Stewart?, Or similar ...
I do not know, the truth is I never knew any that they looked like, yet they are the type that I have recorded and association with what must be a candy store, with jars filled with candies and colored jellies. Such as the one I have now in my local - and I'm seeing, yes going to end up looking like the happy candy store

Image: Tahirih gOffice

Anyway, as the truth is I have not managed to find a large collection of images to bring about the subject matter, the best thing is to be developed a little and make a apañete, counting step its history. So here goes

turns out that first began trading sweets were made through the old pharmacies, drugstores today. In its origins were simply a mixture of sugar and herbs used for medicinal purposes-type tal-anisete and ideal for indigestion or gas problems. And still today we have left some of those first-derivative: mints, for example.

And although the ancient Egyptians and Chinese were given the odd homage sweet candied fruit or embedding nuts in honey, and the Greek and Roman orgies candied fruits were flying .., barbarian invasion after the thing fell into disuse, and it was not until the seventeenth century that the first candy made from sugar beet implanted in England or America as such.

Image: Daniela Volpari (thanks Klimtbalan )

The thing is that while American's started first in the form of syrup, in the area of \u200b\u200bNew Amsterdam-today New York-began to emerge with a firm step of an amalgam of crushed almonds and sugar, with the name of Marzipan (Marzipan, Marzipan, read HERE), began to gain currency. And with them came the Probatino.

our famous marzipan was yummy as well, so solid it.

Why not invent something?

Ah, of course, being so far away they did not know which since the fifteenth century the Arabs, why not!, with its famous candy store had something called qandi it was a solid mixture of sugar and flavors, which, once known and experienced there, end up becoming famous candies, or sweets, and among them, the lemon or mint stood out as favorites.

Image: Victoria Heryet

Picture: Ralph Hedley

Image: Kirkby Lonsdale

Image James Charles

Image: Holly Hobbie

Please, if anyone has pictures of paintings on the subject or know where to find I'd appreciate a jug. I'm going crazy looking ...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When Is Blood At Cervix Before Period

** Coco, coconut, fresh coconut! Water

Picture: Jim Daly

** Coco, coconut, fresh coconut!

** Note = Interestingly, and although we did coco translated in French as it is called so, not coconut water to what the story is concerned, but liquorice water, as explained in the previous post: HERE LEELO

I had heard how my uncle died Ollivier. I knew that, while he was about to expire sweet, quietly in the gloom of the spacious room, whose shutters had been closed because it was a terrible July sun, was heard in the street, amid the oppressive silence of the afternoon burning heat wave, the tinkling of a campanillita Argentina, followed by a nice voice that rent the air heavy and warm, "Coco cool! Who wants to refurbish, ladies, with coconut, who wants fresh coconut?> My uncle had a shock, something like a smile tickling his lips quivered, flashed in his eyes one last joy, and almost immediately put out his eyes forever.
I was present at the opening of the will. As was natural, my cousin James inherited the estate of his father. The last clause interested me. Hela-here: "I leave to my nephew Pedro a manuscript, consisting of a few leaves, which will be in the right drawer of my desk, plus five hundred francs to buy a shotgun, with more than a hundred francs will be grateful if you to either surrender to the first coconut seller he meets on the street ... "Amazement was
general. The manuscript that gave me gave me the key to this amazing legacy.
I copied verbatim:
"Men have always lived under the yoke of superstition. There were times when it was generally believed that every child born a star was lit, and that it followed the vicissitudes of life from him, pointing to its brightest moments of happiness, and becoming more dark in their hour of distress. Faith is paid to the influence of comets, leap years, of Friday, the thirteenth. It is believed that some people cast spells, give the evil eye. It is often said: "He has brought me bad luck stumbled upon it." All these things are true. I believe in them ... Let me explain. I do not believe that things or beings have a hidden influence, but I do believe in fate tidy. It is true that chance has made while visiting our sky a comet, important events to take place, and others in leap years it is true that some notable mishaps have occurred on Friday or have coincided with the number thirteen, that meet certain people have coincided with the repetition of certain facts, etc. And there superstitions are born. They are based on an observation incomplete, superficial, that is because where there is only coincidence, and do not care to delve deeper.
"Well, my star, my kite, my Friday my number thirteen, my sorcerer, was without a doubt, the coconut seller.
"I am told that the day I was born stood one under our windows and spent the day there screaming.
"I had eight years and was one day my nurse to take a stroll down the Champs Elysees. As we crossed the avenue, one of the industry suddenly stirred his bell behind me. My nanny had left eye after regiment marched distance, I turned to see the coconut seller. At that moment we came over a two-horse carriage, fast as lightning bright. The driver shouted at us. My nurse did not hear anything, and I did not. I felt like I pulled down that something was over me, bruised me ... and, without knowing how, I was in the arms of coconut vendor, to comfort me, I did apply the mouth to one of the keys, opened the tap, he threw me ... and I felt quite good.
"My nanny was with a broken nose. Followed yéndosele eyes after the regiments, but no soldiers were leaving them behind her eyes.
"Sixteen years. - I had just bought my first shotgun, the eve of the opening of the game I went to the offices of the measure, gave me his arm to my mother, who, because of his rheumatism, walked very slowly. Suddenly, I hear screaming behind us, "Coco, coconut, fresh coconut" The cry came nearer, we followed, we chased. Me gave me the feeling that it was a living thing, talking. me, insulted me. I think people looked at me smiling, and the vendor was shouting, "Coco cool! "as if they were making fun of my shiny shotgun, my backpack again, my new hunting costume, made of brown corduroy. Even inside the car was still hearing it.
The next day does not charge any part, but I killed a dog running and that I thought was a rabbit and a chicken, which I felt like partridge. Perch on a fence I saw a bird and fired, and went flying, but a terrible roar left me nailed to my site. The roar was not stopped until nightfall. Ay! My father had to pay a poor farmer with the value of the cow.
"years. Twenty-One morning I met an old man selling coconut very wrinkled, very bent, crawling with difficulty and leaning on a cane and bent by the weight of its source. I got the impression that it was a kind of divinity, the patriarch, the ascendancy, the great chief of all sellers of coconut in the world. I drank a glass of coconut and I paid one franc. A. deep voice, which seemed rather out of the metal shell of the man who had, he moaned: "This action will bring you good luck, sir."
That day I met my wife, who always made me happy.
"And finally, here's how I did not become prefect of the intervention a coconut seller.
He had been a revolution. I invaded the desire to become a public man. I was rich, beloved, was related to a minister asked for a hearing, stating the object of my visit. I was granted in the most attentive. "On the appointed day, it was summer and the heat was terrible, I put on pants clear, light gloves, boots clear fabric with patent leather tips. The streets cast-fire. Feet sank into the pavement, which. melted, with large irrigation tanks turned the road into a sewer. Stackable sweepers distance. hot mud in that stretch, and as it were artificial, and thrown into the sewers. Without thinking about anything but my hearing, I walked fast, and suddenly I find one of those muddy, volume boost ... At one ... the two ... A sharp cry, terrible, I tear your eardrums, "Coco, coco, coco Who wants to?" I accidentally a gesture of surprise ... slip ... It was a sad thing, awful ... I was sitting in the mud ... My pants had taken a dark, my morning jacket was spattered with mud, my hat was swimming next to me. The angry voice, hoarse from shouting, still shouting, "Coco, coco!" And before I had twenty people, bent with laughter, looking and gesturing horrible. "I ran back home. I moved out of clothes. The time of the hearing was over. "
The manuscript ended this way:
" Make friends with a coconut seller, my dear Peter. As far as I'm concerned, I will leave this world happy if he died when I hear one of them tout their wares. "

The next day I stumbled on the Champs Elysees with a very old man loaded with your deposit, and seemed very poor. I gave him one hundred francs on my uncle. trembled with amazement and then said
"Thank you, young man; This action will bring good luck.

Guy de Maupassant

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jaki Jest Numer Seryjny Na Nero Vision Express

licorice. How refreshing

Image: Louis Haghe

Water licorice. How refreshing rabbit

Today I will tell a curious story.

The story of a rabbit.

may more than one you know the name of "water of licorice" one of the stories of the mischievous William, by Richmal Crompton, he was very fond of taking it.

(Guillermo in the picture)

others may sound more to you musiqueta ...

But ... what is very nearly certain is that if I say " Coco, coconut, fresh coconut " think: this aunt is doing the clip.

Y yes, maybe, and even the most seasoned say, and moreover it is a story of Maupassant. As well.

(original text by Maupassant and coconut in the next post ...)

But the point is that, apart from my trips to clamp several or not, today we will talk the story of a rabbit.

Yes indeed, anyone who joins underground and in a way peculiar to coconut licorice.

When I was young it was common to see vendors licorice sticks (in image) , I do not know why they were known in my area students as "palulús" but that's another story.

The point is that I never knew, though if I had read a thousand times in the stories of William, is the famous liquorice water so it tasted yummy him.

And even less could have imagined when I read Maupassant other, it also meant the same thing.

Lo and behold, there you go past years and fall into the fact that a strange translation of the time made what is known as a "false friend" with the term: coconut.
You will see:

cooking water licorice root macerated with a little lemon, and sometimes garnished with mint, is an ancient remedy to beat the heat in summer times already was used as an effective remedy in ancient Egypt.

And now you can still see these vendors on the streets of Cairo. (pictured)

In fact it was so common in the whole area that the root of the matter came to Mesopotamia where, and 4 million years ago Babylonians used it to strengthen the immune system.

course they do not call it, of course. But they realized that gave them force and strength, besides arrangements stomach problems, including heartburn and ulcers.

Tan is so happy at the tomb of Tutankhamun have been found the famous palulús of my childhood ...

words, not mine itself, of course, because he is somewhat older than me ... But it's funny that at the bottom were like kids in
my school ... and go to the grave chewing palulú ...

"perhaps the poor would suffer from gastritis?

I do not know.

But aside tombs centuries, Arabs, pains and such ... in Europe, In contrast, the licorice-water directly inherited from Syria and Iraq, was very popular in the streets of Paris and Brussels during the eighteenth century.

And when I say street I mean literally on the street, as were the street vendors who with his Arabic source-a replica of those, the expression "wearing your belt and plump silver cup, walked up and down shouting that from:

"Coco, coconut, coconut fraise" ...

coconut, fresh coconut ... would imply that ...

And in Spain, if any there:

"Licorice, licorice water, nice and cool .."

any case, and even today do not think there is already such a street market anywhere in Europe, the drink in question, then, and speak of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, eventually rising to fashion.

And not only for its effectiveness or taste, but also because it was a very pleasant drink out FETEN price.

Ole how well, look you: three in one. Well, nice and cheap

Today, in these days when we suffer such heat, and economic hardship at work, I say, would not it be interesting to re-circulate a similar market rate ?

always caught my attention the famous stalls of homemade lemonade with which American kids (and elsewhere inspire) Styes were drawn to their doorstep. Here I do not think ever existed. At least I never saw them.

If anyone ever saw was only in the cartoons of Charlie and Snoopy , children illustration, or something similar.

Nor ever saw a water seller of licorice or anything else street, unless that vendor caramel apples that I said (read HERE )

And so, something like that, relatively speaking ... souvenir kiosks horchata, slush and water of barley in Madriles had before, but I do not know even if they continue. Quite possibly not

I said ... Now it seems that times have given us the clout to appearances, and return all to a more natural lifestyle and simpler, more artisan and such, along with scorching heat ... Why not dust off old professions and flavors? I do not know, something like that ...

I think so would accommodate certainly a type of soda as water craft licorice. Is also rich with medicinal.

do not know ... That threw the ball. In case anyone wants to hear