Sunday, August 29, 2010

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The candy store. A journey through art and history

The Candy Shop

A journey through art and history

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I do not know why, but the image of a candy store, something like that now bring the image collection, "is something that goes with me since childhood.

Possibly saw that picture somewhere I do not remember now. Maybe in a movie, or more likely, now comes to me head on an episode of Pippi Longstocking . That one I remember, and also some vague image of a movie with James Stewart?, Or similar ...
I do not know, the truth is I never knew any that they looked like, yet they are the type that I have recorded and association with what must be a candy store, with jars filled with candies and colored jellies. Such as the one I have now in my local - and I'm seeing, yes going to end up looking like the happy candy store

Image: Tahirih gOffice

Anyway, as the truth is I have not managed to find a large collection of images to bring about the subject matter, the best thing is to be developed a little and make a apañete, counting step its history. So here goes

turns out that first began trading sweets were made through the old pharmacies, drugstores today. In its origins were simply a mixture of sugar and herbs used for medicinal purposes-type tal-anisete and ideal for indigestion or gas problems. And still today we have left some of those first-derivative: mints, for example.

And although the ancient Egyptians and Chinese were given the odd homage sweet candied fruit or embedding nuts in honey, and the Greek and Roman orgies candied fruits were flying .., barbarian invasion after the thing fell into disuse, and it was not until the seventeenth century that the first candy made from sugar beet implanted in England or America as such.

Image: Daniela Volpari (thanks Klimtbalan )

The thing is that while American's started first in the form of syrup, in the area of \u200b\u200bNew Amsterdam-today New York-began to emerge with a firm step of an amalgam of crushed almonds and sugar, with the name of Marzipan (Marzipan, Marzipan, read HERE), began to gain currency. And with them came the Probatino.

our famous marzipan was yummy as well, so solid it.

Why not invent something?

Ah, of course, being so far away they did not know which since the fifteenth century the Arabs, why not!, with its famous candy store had something called qandi it was a solid mixture of sugar and flavors, which, once known and experienced there, end up becoming famous candies, or sweets, and among them, the lemon or mint stood out as favorites.

Image: Victoria Heryet

Picture: Ralph Hedley

Image: Kirkby Lonsdale

Image James Charles

Image: Holly Hobbie

Please, if anyone has pictures of paintings on the subject or know where to find I'd appreciate a jug. I'm going crazy looking ...


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