Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wish You Well-david Baldacci Chapter Summaries

Volován, what practical for a party

Volován, how convenient for a party

Today I will discuss a very practical invention sure you have tried or have ever seen.

The Volován, that kind of puff pastry basket (you can buy ready-made and baked) ready and prepared to come and fill.

Invented at the time by one who has been regarded as the summum of the Master Chefs, the revolutionary and so innovative Antonin Carême, chef Russian Tsar Alexander l, and great friend of Rossini, the Volován emerged at the time as a kind of flaky turret so fragile-looking, lightweight that could not help it quickly receive the nickname of "... that takes the wind" ( vol au vent) and, consequently, its derivation, for us, of "Volován"
As often happens with great inventions, we could say that coincidence arose after Carême (pictured) had a puff pastry baked and not think of another to fill it and continue baking.

was apparently his assistant who, seeing it grow beyond measure, and possibly crooked or bent (as it is right that the danger of these towers of pastry) said that the "it took the air ..."

And it seems to him so funny Carême expression that she was .

Grace of the invention is as I say it can be purchased or prepared in advance and then simply go and fill. Pets inside sweet and salty and can be cold, although some people prefer to give it a tap and heat. That's going to taste, and by content.

almost almost architectural vocation, the pastry Carême, rather, its innovation in it, was actually on revolutionizing the kind of "construction" until then known.

Hojaldres magically growing up, cone-shaped meringue that seemed to abide by magic ... And is that Carême, of very humble origin, however, spent a little I could, "the long hours studying and copying architectural drawings in the library of Paris. Who would say what really boiled inside his head ... No?

Carême Designs

Now we are very easy accept as natural or normal about Any type of construction (and even deconstruction) in the kitchen. Today for us is common to see buildings unlikely on the plate, which are often difficult to eat without climbing a ladder ... and more seem to resemble a sculpture than something edible take the tooth and stomach. But you have to imagine such an enormous change which led to the moment (we're talking about 1800) the transition from horizontal to see food suddenly see it built up ...
And rich!

No wonder then that delights were requested to hold Napoleon's wedding ... Or that famous soufflés (also magic and silently up) and sprinkled with real gold, claimed for the table of the "Fortune" (do not know if, lucky ...) Rothschild.

But ...

Did you know that in reality the pastry was invented by a painter?

... it is clear that the sheet and volovanes art is fundamental, if not primary

Turns out the puff pastry was invented by a painter French name Claude Lorrain, Claude Gelee actually, (1600 -1682)

Selfportrait in the picture).

can see his work HERE )

Gelée was actually vocation as a painter, but painting and materials were very expensive and extremely poor, but because I wanted to learn ...

moved to live with his brother, a writer that, apart from the trade show, put it to work as an apprentice baker ... Against their will.

The year was 1613 and our young Gelée, who had moved to Rome under the tutelage of the landscape painter Agostino Tassi, for whom he worked as an apprentice baker, "was combining the two arts as well could.
But ... when youth is bold and big vocation .... just going somewhere, and took every little while Gelée jovencillo remaining, to go by just translating sketches later in the cakes.

His teacher, seeing her love of drawing, he said one day: " Your vocation is certainly more painter to a baker. In the meantime, apply your knowledge to the trade involved, who knows given your love of work and your spirit, if you produce more and better than your colleagues, and on to invent ... ".

" I have a hunch that you will become a superior man and that will enrich our profession "

said than done, came a day when Claude suddenly restless, and while kneading bread, pulled out a ball of dough and plantificó him in the middle a piece of butter:

"I want to make a bun for my father who is sick. "

Claude would not listen to his teacher when he told her to knead the mixture if you do not want the butter to escape during cooking.

"leak if not properly stored and has no hole to go out ... well just a little test ... "

Yeah yeah, baby. Enorrrrrrrme the ball was in contact with the heat grew and felt light, upward and sideways ...

The father delighted, of course, when he received the cookie. Menuda


And lo Gelée young man not having waited for his master's watchful eye over them to keep doing Probatino. The next time would still leave a piece of butter more "trapped" Prayer on the mass itself again and again, and again, and so 10 times ... Now that the butter would have no way to escape!

And it was so, boldly and in secret, test after test, as jovencillo realized that the dough is rising not because of yeast but the folding system, sometimes moving in one direction and some in another, forming a cross. How curious ... if it turns out then that the oven will be rolled in sheets ...

Well Gelée history and how the pastry became known would really to write a novel type The Count of Monte Cristo, it is most similar.

Bordering almost almost mafia but in the seventeenth century. With "detention" and included extortion to get the secret recipe from a baker named "Fly" (do not laugh ... it's true) ... He, who once had been his colleague in a workshop, and later claimed nothing less than the merit of his invention on the basis of misleading them with false promises of "society" and the young business Gelée-who was incarcerated in a cell where he was working at top speed, "that ... after 3 days of observation through a peephole and without Claude knew ... that, as I say, Big Brother "family" Fly: managed to find the secret formula Claudio (pictured) guarded so jealously!

Now once achieved, only had to erase fingerprints.

Through the charade of a false ambush, he moved his true creator in a dungeon in the vain hope that there, over time, died of starvation.

But life is unusual and, sometimes, the magic exists.

Gelée apparently found a loophole through which streamed the light and logically concluded that this led to the outside. With moisture in the dungeon because he found the stone obviously angle, after 3 months in prison managed to shift the stone and escape through the hole ...


And the "family" Mosca "...
Well ... that he got his" Raid "particular years later, getting a karmic punishment.

perished all charred in its place, leaving no bones to them or, just some remnants hanging alone in front of the sign: " pastry factory, Angelo Mosca, inventor.
Angelo ... Yes, the nose!

What euphemism!

(You can read the whole story HERE ) is very curious, it is worth.

Anyway, the point is that this buttery dough sheet as you see, has given a thousand rounds, never better, "until we reach

So, the next time you eat a pastry, or remember the incredible Volován merit and endurance test that involves that little thing that looks so fragile and light.

Enjoy it


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