Sunday, July 18, 2010

Computer With Coin Slot

Aunt Mary. Intensity of slavery

Tia Maria . Intensity of slavery

From unique flavor, a mixture of coffee and caramel rum, Tia Maria liqueur usually the ideal finish to a meal. At least this has been considered in my house forever. And in fact was just as I discovered, thanks to my father, a diehard fan, and the truth is that I was not hard to share your taste and get hooked to it.

More or less I seemed to hear Marley every time I tried: reggae Pá here softly, softly reggae over there and I was there, turned into Rastafari. The Tia Maria possibly one of the richest coffee liqueur I know

and is also rich and flavorful history. Mix

legend and reality, no one knows for sure where they abut one another, but in any case I will tell it "if the flies."

was hanging around the year 1655 when it happened that the noble English people of Jamaica are the octopus falling and legs had to abandon the island at full speed. The british arrived to take over the entire staff of senior and had run all of a sudden the good life and the gently swaying in the hammock and the sea breeze love coconut.

bottle jack, a fully-fledged ERE me with this hair!

Hala, hala ... hastily, hardly gave them time to put the flip flops ...

Jopelines, run run, which is Morgaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

(The Pirate, Lina not be understood ...)

Image: Morgan (the pirate, not Lina, I mean )

And lo, in full bustle of whether this slipper is mine and this slave is yours, do not expect that I will still go for 'l puchero'los chickpeas ... one of these ladies well, he found himself separated from his family and the only company, yes, thank goodness for that was a good girl, "his personal slave who apparently nicknamed: Tia Maria . (I imagine it possibly raised a child)

Whatever the case, and according to legend, the slave-probably because their survival instinct WISE "" own "" "and its atavistic slave BE NO" Miss " well managed to protect Miss (not Scarlet, "" Señoríta'Calata ""... Do you remember the character Mami in " What the Wind" ..?, in the image ) packet containing valuable black pearl earrings invaluable and not only because black pearls, "but also because they belonged neither more nor less than the Queen Elizabeth ; the Catholic, of course. But there were also seen along with the earrings also a scroll with the recipe of an ancient family liquor.

... Well, this is what the legend says that the less is curious. I sincerely doubt that both were together in the same package. Rather I am inclined to think that the recipe for future liquor was an invention or wisdom of Tia Maria own perhaps have heard or taken together with their "fellow-slavery groups." But of course, is more chic-especially then-think the recipe is not own a slave or slave Jamaican anyone, but, once again, is proviniente a child or children the moment well.

Always classes.

Me: I doubt it. Not that there are classes, but it was something out of the famous family well. For what it's like Aunt Mary -those who think you have tried-is closer to the race, blood and Afro-Jamaican flavors to the possible prescription of a sixteenth century English. Although perhaps if written on a scroll at the hands of a English, but very possibly have been heard through the lips of others or perhaps tasted there in Jamaica by others, the native and proper taste of the locals. But it is my opinion, of course. I have no evidence to argue.

Legend has it that the recipe was from the English family. My opinion instinctive, and also is called Tia Maria makes me suspect otherwise, but it is only a suspicion. Mine. Spain has fantastic wines and spirits, I will not discover anything new by saying that now, but what surprises me is that much if it was a English man who had so much power there then, the liquor had not been released before. Or yes and there she was parchment and considered a valuable asset, and just what has happened is that with all the bundled merequeté that history does not remember the widespread consumption level and / or bottling.
Who knows. The data is lost and only appears when the happy Tia Maria becomes relevant this time no longer as the slave but of saving his lady and above all, of the valuable heritage. Voila, tachán recipe with masterful including . But unknown? until then.


Anyway, apparently those only 2 possessions rescued from hasty "exit feet, was the only gift that was traditionally passed down from generation to generation in the family Miss Scarlet is not, of course. Not in the Aunt. That to put the formula and the name had had enough.

The thing is, the years passed, and that young lady married to an officer of British forces, and when you further than his daughter married his eldest daughter, was established a tradition that was later continued by successive generations. Black pearl earrings and the famous parchment would as a wedding gift from generation to generation.

And again they spend more years, and the tradition continued And lo, suddenly, in the seventeenth century, Jamaica became a doctor, named Kenneth Leigh Evans, who studies Spirits certain Caribbean and especially Jamaican encountered this delicacy with coffee and rum to taste it, it seems, at the home of the descendants of the famous family.

"But what is this?!, he said. And he began to GAID. And pull the thread base reached Tia Maria . Eye Aunt Mary told and not the girl's family well.

had in his hands something valuable that I could not miss. But how? The liquor happy posed a problem not yet solved. Was ephemeral. After mixing the formula lasted just two days. His spirit escaped, leaving non-condensing. So it was something only prepared for special occasions.
But he, like me, it is clear that a single taste became a fan and, without thinking twice went to work, leading finally to the point, and stop getting caught in the bottle the intense spirit of Aunt Mary . This time in a beautiful variant of slavery as Genia trapped in the bottle of aromas of vanilla, sugar cane and rum.

Not a bad way to finish. Or start, depending how you look. The bottle may or may always half empty or half full. I prefer to stay with the latter. And to think that the formula is purebred. The characteristic of the people who work hard and have not always been recognized in time. Or maybe you do, and then curiously the liquor has a curious peculiarity that seems to point in justice to the root of its origins: It can be packaged in clear bottle. It should always be packaged in dark bottle. order not to lose his spirit.

Jamanicano had to be ...


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