Friday, July 30, 2010

Anklets On Prostitutes?

Pretzel rabbit. A medieval emblem

Pretzel. A medieval emblem

Pretzel, or pretzel, like me I do not care. Either way you can call.

How? What do you say? What you do not know what it is? , Ah, I'm sure I do, plus we have already named here at the blog occasionally (read HERE )

With a heart-shaped loop and older than corduroy, dating back, as so often, apparently - to a medieval Italian monastery around the year 610, and in which the monk cook to prepare unleavened bread had the brilliant idea to make a watermark with Masita to reward the little guy who had managed to learn the prayers their hard to retain.

mass - the chef is going to resemble sculptor tried ...- two arms across the chest in supplication.

What a great incentive to encourage kids to learn the lesson. No?
Apparently these little pretiolas (rewards) were so yummy (and only with flour water and salt) that disclosure and use eventually spread fast, like wildfire, but doing - yes-a curious wine tour.

Eye, not to confuse or malpensa .. we're talking about monks ... and masses ... and communion ... y. .. Wine!

Joking aside, the truth is that it's true what they say.

Crossing the Italian wine regions, Alsace, from where the first image data of the pretzel-and France, and giving then the leap to Austria to get to Germany, was leaving pretiola taste yummy on its way .
In the image, a street vendor pretzels
Although is that "the monk, the only legend that exists about the origin of the pretzel ...

Considered the "snack" or snack world's oldest, who is originally associated with Celtic rituals.

(In the picture one of the oldest representations, dating from 1190.

The scene shows a feast involving Queen Esther and her husband, the Persian king Ahasuerus / Xerxes.)

And although not exactly the place where Italy had the biggest boom, the funny thing is that he was with his arrival Austria and Germany where the pretzel came to be considered something of an institution, almost, almost a national symbol of which are decorative ceramic figurines, decorations or even with corn silk braid.

If even Brueghel the Elder in 1559 hired him as a symbol of Lent in his painting allegorical struggle between Carnival and Lent. (The pretzel in the front row in the red wagon, bottom right)

And, although this type of snack is joined today unfailingly salchichero a good German meal was not always that their only role.

pretzel in Germany was part of the rituals of Easter and are looking for - along with hidden "Easter eggs. In New Year, was carried as a talisman, fastened to the wrist. And also in the wedding ceremony had its importance since it launched the air by the newlyweds to be broken, while calling for a wish. Y - ...- could not miss the funeral rites also placed a bow on the coffin for the deceased arrived safely to heaven.

he acquired so much importance in everyday life, that by the year 1111, German bakers had to Brezel, brezno brezl or, as an emblem of gemio baker. (pictured)
But ... Did you know that well, this little "reward" was such a crucial role in preserving the sovereignty of Vienna in 1510, when he was attacked by the Turks, who have won even own a shield?
Legend has it that the Turkish army was digging a tunnel under the walls of the city of Vienna to conduct a surprise attack, when bakers heard the noise. Fast can they told the army to avoid the attack. And in gratitude, the king rewarded the bakers with their own coat of arms which is formed by the image of a pretzel.

But this charming little bow was not content with making only European routes, not! In his career, or rather his "navegadura" the pretzel came to America aboard the Mayflower .

The year was 1620 and what the pretzel did not know there was going to take hold so strongly, that even going to branch into two versions: soft and hard, sweet and salty.
apparently was here where they originated by chance and thanks to over-baked pretzels famous "tough."

Gee, if softies were good ... Crisp was even better.

Nothing, nothing ... we do not come saying they are German or maybe ... The pretzels are Americans! In Pennsylvania "" city ", and ná more!
And, of course, once set to "innovate", followed by pulling the thread ... And ... the pretzels went from his famous heart-shaped loop, having its variants round to donut, sprinkled with salt, and flavored with cheese, cinnamon , Sugar, almonds, flaky type, or whatever you know how. But the thousand and one.

I tell you. Another institution there as well, both on 24 April, the United States celebrates a national day of pretzel.

Takes chestnut!

... What may give him a bow ... Right?


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