Friday, September 3, 2010

How To Avoid Elbow Pain Push-ups


Image: typesetting, mine on an image of: Velle Gosselin


with you:

Well ... because after so many months of work and apologized saying that several of "forgiveness for not being able to visit you, but that I'm very busy ... opening business and such ..." Has finally come happy day in which I can say that NOW! , Has become reality!

After many months of illusion, desire and work ... To let me skin, hands, money and brains in the effort ... I have to say that "the creature" has come to fruition and here it is. It is a reality, and even says " garlic" and Too ... jajajja

andabais Whether those precedents and something you knew, as for those who have caught the news you by surprise, here I present my dream, hope and effort, that is imprinted with: " made with love and effort " included on the label, as a middle name.

I'm too shy to teach it, but also emotion, but I know I am among friends and that will hurt you more if you know that this goes kicking and me I have not said anything, so here goes: and .. please be merciful and put yourself in my skin ... I'm starting out with more enthusiasm, desire and ...- why not say, "fear that something else ... Porfirian So do not be too hard on this poor first- ^ _ ^

Hope you like it ^ _ ^

A big kiss to all


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