Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Btu Calculator Existing Radiator

Churruca, or craft


Churruca, or the heroic craft

you remember
Churruca pipes, so familiar from our childhood?

Ah, what had become of many stands, another of those newspaper-much before the emergence of specific stores sweets and nuts, not them!

I ... I confess!

simpárico Besides that fronted a chubby chef and calvorota that lapped under the chef hat ... and by putting blatantly hand, I spent a thousand and a few hours of my childhood and teenage lust.

Yes, my passion for the pipes, absolutely irreflenable began with elongated bag that had just as quickly. And not because the bag itself was small, no, (that was several sizes), but because one Nah, you see, feel genuine passion for roasted sunflower nuts.

Now I have to buy directly (almost kilos) bulk sweets stores ... but then, in those days of Maricastaña ... I believe that my local newsagent I had such sympathy because his salary came directly from my portfolio ... I'm convinced.

What not!

The point is that the history of this famous and most iconic brand is funny and endearing. And now that I'm going to start my career as a craft business, I could not but smile by reading it, so you the story.

... You have to see what can be achieved starting so slowly. Go to this as a warning to navigators, and who may need ...

Started in 1932 as a complementary activity for marriage López Lluch, actually had a butcher shop, is that apparently wanted to removed Styes few extra.

said than done!, Other did not occur to start selling them roasted peanuts and go to their neighborhood residents, to the front door. The marriage, of course.

And it looks like the thing, because after the peanut came tostamiento pipe, in addition to-later-that of other nuts, kikos cuddly and giants included. Which also was a pioneer. Total

that among spices and nuts, and go after some decades of selling them to tourists beach, which even took them to their land, they realized that they got the business piper downright profitable. So much that they chose him and decided to give it a commercial. Pipas

Churruca are on the horizon guess.

But, contrary to what many might think, is that the name, Churruca so euphonious him, and so loudly known is not the name of the family ... not! Indeed

!, The most avispadillos and that you have associated the name with other so famous that, the hero of the Battle of Trafalgar, Cosme Damián Churruca (pictured ) you have right. Why the election do not know. But I do know is that at first the bags had printed the image of the bust of the Basque sailor.

Then, years later would opt for another brand, which is what we knew and know, and to which I referred at the beginning.

The Tito, the friendly cocinerete that rechupetea and graciously says the designer and to make matters worse couple's son, Luis López Lluch: "Mark my father recorded it, but the logo to cook first it was a pig head. He did butcher products, spices. At 14, I started to change the face of the pig's head by the cook. So the logo appeared Churruca "

Curious, no?

Currently, the brand again into the hands of Luis López Lluch, after 17 years of litigation with his brother and heir to 50%, accusing him of unfair competition. Anyway, the point is that Pipes Churruca is no doubt, in Spain, the oldest brand in terms of pipes, roasted corn and packaged nuts are concerned.
here today because my appreciation for having made me so happy for so many years of my life


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