Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pokemon Footed Pajamas In Ma


Image: Pavel Lazarev

Marie and cauliflower

"Mon pauvre mari is retourne et dit: Tu as peur? That you are bête.
Ce sont des rats. Douce encore

* * My poor husband turns around and says: What are you scared?'re Stupid.
only are rats. Doce

When Marie had told me this, I was thoughtful and the words followed her whisper in my mind, something had disturbed the surface, since a long time silent and forgotten. How many were the words of the man who had lost their memory? Was someone to repeat his words alive, he had said? "Tu as peur? That tu es bête? "words of the night, in darkness, strangely intimate, soothing, while in the grave her husband returned and rejoined while Marie spoke. Sad, sad ..." And if we ate a cauliflower? "he I said, "cauliflower with white sauce" But they are so expensive, Madame! Marie moaned, so expensive! tiny cauliflower, two francs fifty. This is a robbery, is ... Suddenly, from the kitchen window I saw the moon. It was a wonder that I got out, walked through the garden and leaned against the fence, not realizing what he was doing. The cold of the bars stopped me. It was full moon, clear and bright. Was suspended above the sea that sighed. I do a lot of time looking. Then I turned and saw the house, a little white pulsating light, a house like a candle shining behind a thin branch of mimosa. While trying to combine food, had completely forgotten this. I returned to the kitchen.
"We will eat cauliflower, at whatever price," I said resolutely. And Marie muttered
enim a pan. Would he ever understand? ...

"Yes", said "there to be scared"

* Note * She plays in this text with a parallel to associate "Mari = Larry (Marie)" and Marie = name of her maid. "

It is also important to note that the text is taken from his diary, which we know that at that time K. Mansfield had been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Katherine Mansfield


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