Sunday, April 11, 2010

Yaz As Morning After Pill

Le Bouillon Chartier, an iconic workman

Le Bouillon Chartier , an iconic workman

Faubourg Montmartre, 7

After several days "missing" hot currando to back, back today with something special and I'm going in handy.
Today I speak the first specific restaurant workers.

Your name, you say? Le Bouillon Chartier

And where is it?, As neither more nor less than in Montmartre.

But wait, now expected to tell you more.
Open to the public for the first time in l890 in the middle of the din and clatter own working area of \u200b\u200bMontmartre, the Bouillon Chartier, originally "Le Buillon " (in stock) is one of the icons of Paris that you can not miss if you like this to know where things come from.

Image: Marko Stupar

In Paris busy and growing, in which factories were everywhere, and in full Art Nouveau era, if indeed something was missing was a food place where all that working people could come to take a little break for lunch and, of course, as we are: eating at an affordable price, the thing is Shagged mu, Nah, you see, and'm not in a spending ...

said than done!, Only had to ask, man.

Following the idea invented in 1860 by the butcher Pierre-Louis Duval to create a series of bars, pardon, which would give a hot meal (steak and broth) at great price to the workers in the market area (and that after its stock number 200 became a series of chain restaurants for workers, and always called " Bouillons "), before that, as I say, Edouard Camille Chartier were removed from the sleeve a place that was just that.

But he also had something else ... A typical decoration of the moment that has kept the place as a place to visit and symbol-icon Belle Epoque.
Because ... would be for other workers, and cheap, too ... but everyone likes to be in a classy, \u200b\u200bno? That is the crux of the success !

delighted iron columns at the very Eiffel , paneled walls, large mirrors and great lighting balloons make Amber Chartier Buillon , two floors, stained glass ceilings and huge glass room with capacity for 300 people,

with tables anchored to the ground by forging their feet and surrounded by wooden chairs, an unforgettable place, although access to it, yes, from a place that might go unnoticed at first glance, it is a yard efificio, mondo and lirondo-but-charming in the street.

original Dressed in an impeccable suit and white apron, black vest pockets plump, circulating full speed (the waiters, not the vest) between din while giving the slip to the old cabinet drawers numbered where the workers themselves, once they were regulars, went to pick up and leave their napkins, waiters bring and carry with salt soups and broths typical restaurant (ie: the famous Buillon was a broth of vegetables and meat) almost almost before your reverend plantifiques buttocks on the seat in a restaurant, eye to the data: no reservations.

your arrival and standing in line, like any self-respecting worker quisqui without favoritism.
first come, before you feel, yes, provided you arrive before 22:00, when they shelved.

The food itself is no frills, typical dishes are simple but well prepared they usually open for the famous soup and finish for instance with a rum babas with whipped cream, so typical Paris (what we commonly known here as: drunks)
But still, the place is a landmark, and well worth visiting

So you know, if you're thinking of going to give you one volt by Paris, as the Bouillon Chartier could be a place to come to visit.


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