Sunday, April 18, 2010

Difference Between Ingrown Hair Herpes

Gelu heroic, half bitter orange

image: Vania Elettra Tam

Gelu, half bitter orange

I made an apple pie with the recipe she gave me her mother and that was more convoluted than the one I used regularly and had cut out of a fashion magazine at the hairdressers. And not because he had put arsenic and gave me a little cut knocking on the neighbor and ask, "Did not you have a bit of arsenic there? Is that I forgot to bring when I went to purchase. "Among other things, also because I have no neighbors. In the apartment next door lives a man too old, hateful and grumpy in the top three young men and students-that they say they constantly put Ramazozoti Eros discs, something weird, and below a transvestite, in the morning you find him and a guy in sweat pants, rough and tacky as everyone else in the neighborhood, and at night is a aunt with red hair heels and painted like a door. must earn a bundle because the only calls super loin sirloin Iberian eight thousand per kilo.
out in the news reports of women put poison in the food they give their husbands a little each time, until the palm. I do not I join the scheme. I'd rather just do it. A slice of truffle cake with hemlock and hala! the wake directly. Other times I think is even better asphyxiation. When I see Eusebio asleep on the couch watching TV to broadcast one of the eight 1500 football matches, do not think "what is mono and peaceful sleep." No. I think, "How easy it would put a garbage bag on the head and the neck tie it with eight laps of tape and their heads would be in the right place: the trash bag." The trouble is, so I dare not do, nothing else-I do not know how to hold hands and prevent me choke, or worse, to remove the bag himself.

In the morning I hear whistling in the bathroom while shaving. I'm cutting slices of bread for toasting with a long cuhillo saw. Always Bésame mucho whistles, with trills and flourishes, and I get really sick, I have to fight the knife you want to go alone to slice the throat of one or more slashes, serrated blades that give a lot of game.

thousands constantly think of ways to end Eusebio. At first I scolded myself and said: "By God, what a donkey I am, what bad person, and besides, you'll see as you know Eusebio you plan to kill him. "And he got thinking about something else, and distracted me going Simago cuts and bought three pairs of socks for the price of one and lipsticks expired.

Gradually, I realized that Eusebio had no idea what was going through my head. So I thought to kill him without stopping, even in front of him. at all hours.

It has become my favorite pastime.

Carmen Rico-Godoy
Cut alone and (poor) milk


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