Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Do you often curse when you get angry? It might be a good idea to change this reaction a little prayer.

A study by Ohio University found that one prayer or prayer can help reduce the anger of the people.

The calm that comes from a prayer should not be relied on divine power, but the change that is generated in the way they are interpreted negative situations.

"We found that prayers really can help people cope with their anger, probably by changing the way we view the events that made them angry and help them take it less personal," says professor communication and psychology and study co-author Brad Bushman.

religious beliefs, the frequency with which he attends a temple or church and the number of times that regularly makes a sentence does not affect the results and the calm you get when praying. This means that even someone who does not have any religious affiliation can get the relief offered a prayer.

The study and tests are divided into three parts.

The first stage measured the levels of anger, fatigue, depression and vigor of 53 university students were later asked to write an essay about an event that would have been angry and told they would be evaluated by a peer . However, no test was evaluated and all received a note saying: "This is one of the worst essays I have read."

After causing his anger with the note the researchers re-measure their levels of tension, anger and depression. They were then presented the case of a young student who had a rare case of cancer and asked them to pray or think about her.

Individuals who prayed for the good of the students showed their anger at having liberated the following measurements compared with those who thought only of the student.

"The effects found in these experiments were very wide, suggesting that the prayers could constitute a real way to calm the anger and aggression, "said Sander Koole, another of the researchers.

" When a person is facing its own anger, perhaps they should consider the old warning to pray for their own enemies, "said Bremner .

might be difficult to pray for that person who made you angry to get in line but would certainly be a better choice for the quiet to shout obscenities.

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After decades of attempts, the researchers were able create fertile sperm in a laboratory and design that increase hope for infertile men.

"I think for everyone in this field, especially for potential patients, it is quite exciting, "says Martyn Dym, professor and biochemist at the Faculty of Medicine at Georgetown University.

Japanese scientists generated mouse sperm in a dish, which already been done before. However, in the past manufactured sperm had failed to achieve pregnancy in a female mouse. This time, when the sperm was injected into the eggs, the female had a dozen live mice.

"The proof is in the dessert, "says Dym." They were able to have babies. "

" Bravo, "says Pamela Madsen, founder of the American Association Fertility. "This is a breakthrough for men who do not produce sperm, such as those with Klinefelter syndrome, or those who have had testicular cancer."

However, Madsen notes that many of infertile men do not need artificial sperm, as they have some healthy functioning properly.

"In the world of infertility that would really be exciting to do this for the eggs," says Masden. The researchers created

is sperm to remove tissue from the testes of mice, which contain stem cells.

The trick to ensure that the sperm were capable of achieving pregnancy a female was to find the right medium for the growth of stem cells.

not yet know when you start the creation of human sperm in the laboratory, in the past many treatments that worked in mice have failed in humans. CNNEXPANSIÓN

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MEN INCREASINGLY vanity, Botox and Liposuction SUBMIT

male aesthetic operations rose 2 percent in 2010, revealed today a survey of plastic surgeons society of the United States (ASPS, for its acronym in English), according to which men were subjected to 1.1 million procedures.

surgeons in this new report show that stretching of face among American men rose 14 percent and 7 percent liposuction.

ASPS statistics indicate that there has been a change in the trend of male cosmetic surgery. Although before men undergoing minimally invasive procedures now dare to all kinds of cosmetic surgical procedures.

Something that explains the president of the ASPS, Dr. Phillip Haeck, may be that the "generation of baby-boomers (born between 1945 to 1964) has widened and is now ready for cosmetic surgery."

Ten surgical procedures increased the most last year were a facelift, which increased 14 percent over the previous year, the operation of ears, which rose 11 percent, and the filling of wrinkles, which increased by 10 percent.

After these three, botox injections were the most popular, which rose 9 percent, liposuction rose 7 percent and male breast reduction by 6 percent.

Finally, eyelid surgery, removal of stains (dermabrasion), removal of fine laser and laser treatments in the veins of the legs increased by 4 percent.

surgeons listed in its report have also noticed a change in the trend of men who require their services.

"Usually people think that celebrities and high profile people are undergoing the knife," said Dr. Stephen Baker, a member of the ASPS in Washington DC.

However, "if that is true, the average of men who seek surgical treatment, in general, is a guy who wants to look as good as it feels."

"The Most of my patients are not the sort of person you could imagine that it would resort to plastic surgery, "said Baker.

Dr. Baker said that the 'baby-boomers are now reaching retirement age and" want to see well, so when they have the financial means to do so, they are doing. "

operations were more men in 2010 were nose reshaping (rhinoplasty), with 64 000 interventions, eyelid surgery (31 mil) , liposuction (24 thousand) breast reduction (18 billion) and hair transplantation (13 mil).

For minor procedures, the Botox injection was the most popular, with 337 thousand permanent hair removal laser (165 thousand), microdermabrasion (158 thousand), cleaning the skin with chemicals (90 mil) and the filling of wrinkles (78 mil). EXCELSIOR

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Does cereal you like bored? In your heart, no.

breakfast every day a portion of cereal grains rich could decrease by up to 20% risk of developing high blood pressure, according to preliminary reports of a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association in Atlanta, published

Stress, physical inactivity and obesity are some of the causes of hypertension and cereal consumption is a viable option to prevent it.

The study also found that those cereals that contain whole grains are better nutrients than refined grains.

The reason the cereal is a better choice than other foods that have been made with grains, like bread, is that "usually not added to the cereal a source of saturated fat, as might be done with a pan by adding, for example, sausages, "says Julie Millers, a nutrition professor University of St. Catherine in Minneapolis, in an interview with

Another reason why the grain is so beneficial is because foods that go with: raisins, nuts and fruits contain potassium, which also help lower blood pressure.

analyzed in the study were 13,000 men with normal blood pressure who were 52 years at the time the study began.

More than half had developed high blood pressure 17 years after baseline. Of that group, men who consumed at least one serving of cereal per week developed the 7% lower risk of hypertension. On the other hand, those who consumed two to six servings per week reduced their risk of high blood pressure in 11%.

Since the study sample only included men, these conclusions can not be applied to the female gender.

According to the National Health and Nutrition 2006, in Mexico are precisely the women who represent the largest percentage of the population is obese 34.5%, against 24.2% of men and women having high blood pressure was 21.5% and 15.5% for men. CNNEXPANSIÓN

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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The word "modesty" is simple, has a soft sound and the ruddy color of shame. It also has a sense of honesty.

chaste sentiment can not hide: revelation openly-the safeguarding of privacy.

is also expected that gradually, to build confidence, modesty disappear or be reduced, being almost imperceptible. Too often in the early romantic encounters the Modesty is expressed in different inhibitions: "I do not say," I do "," I would, but I do not dare, "among others.

Modesty protects, does not want to violate "the room itself," the sensitive area of \u200b\u200bour being. However, the discreet action can become a problem that complicates the conquest and sexual erotic encounter.

People with excess of modesty are anticipated with fear, are prey to feelings of inferiority, they are ridiculous, stupid, devalue their physique, the gracefulness of the body and are awaiting the reactions of the other, interpreting the gestures of others as intimidating .

Modesty Modesty is more frequent or in women. Social norms, cultural and religious, have acted on the bodies and minds of many women transform themselves and connect with your body in a problem that sometimes takes on the characteristics of a true sexual phobia.

Despite the improvements in the construction of femininity, personal assessment, especially in sexual erotic area, requires an effort to remove some negative thoughts: "I'm not attractive", "I do not want to see my imperfections "" I have to wait for him to take the initiative, "" I can not seem desperate, "is going to realize that I like sex", "I'm acting like a slut," "how I can be so awkward to move! "," if I tell him to put the liner is going mad, "then I'm to blame for being so complacent," among others.

As we see, modesty is installed over creating the certainty of disability, reduce the best of each to a series full of critical behaviors, several criticisms that can affect other areas of life, not just sexual.

A time threshold is crossed the dreaded , the subjective component demoralizing start to lose energy. Confidence is key, more than any other relationship. Not because I doubt the person accompanying them, but by the constant criticism and demerit to that subject love their interventions.

deployment do not ask or outbursts of passion. Only require commitment and willingness to pursue a life together.

prudish women demand the fee they believe they deserve love, not selfishness, but to feel that they no longer have to fear, and as a result paving the way to live life fully.

Love transforms your mood, gives strength and drive to the project pipeline. They are lazy and resting on their laurels, quite the contrary, working to sustain the emotional relationship, attraction and mutual respect.

prudish women in general, when they overcome their inhibitions, they acquire the ability to recognize threats to their estimated signs away from them when they make their appearance. Clear that such learning is not free. Have struggled since childhood hours of crying, distress, social isolation and serious personal issues.

management of anxiety that anticipates the future and increased self-confidence, are changes needed to enhance the experiences of the world I own and with others.

Are you bashful?

Tactics to improve your sex life erotic

The strategic goals should allow:

-Reduce the anticipation of pain.

-Increase confidence personal.

-Enhance the pleasure. Reverse

-social isolation and coping with sexual fears.

"Modesty is a primary sense. It helps us to respect the privacy to new experiences, with time and the confidence gained, will fade.

To do so:

"When courting someone, think of other situations where you feel safe and spontaneous.

-Concentrate on other aspects suggestive and think what would you do with them, eg "I like those lips and kiss him endlessly." The act of imagining what to do with what is perceived on the other, creates a connection that stimulates libido and prevents thoughts intruding negative.

"The experiences of the past must help us understand the present. Not transform the situation you are living in a review of stories failed.

-In sexual behavior, withdrawal should be used to gain strength, not to escape, unless the other will no longer be interested.

"Do not copy foreign models bolder to overcome shyness. It will be like to wear a costume that is not yours. Accept the shame and say, "you're with me, because we march together." It will be the best way not to feel your enemy.

-Lists each of your charms. Only describe them without making value judgments or criticism. At the time of approach you can ride with them to enhance your appreciation and keep your valuable attention on conditions.

"The excessive modesty leads you to think too much about the other. You have to be selfish and think of you.

-Use the great power of fantasy to enhance your lovemaking skills
"Try before sexual encounters. Enjoy erotic games. Being able to focus on sexual activity reduces levels of anxiety and urgency to reach orgasm faster. You

genitality is another stage of the game and not the end goal. Walter

Ghedin psychiatrist is a doctor and sexologist. EXCELSIOR

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Chia seeds help reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease and to normalize the high blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, protect the heart against damage from heart attacks, play a fundamental role in the nervous and immune systems, help in the healthy development of pregnancy and child growth.

Chia seed is a great antioxidant, which, besides protecting fatty acids, protects against tumors, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, viruses and free radicals.

Beyond its excellent lipid profile, chia has a good dose of protein.

has no gluten, therefore can be consumed by celiac sufferers. It is a good source of vitamins of group B.

has minerals, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. In terms of trace elements, is a great source of iron, also contains high levels of zinc and magnesium.

Another virtue of chia is good quantity and quality of fiber, which aid digestion, intestinal transit and have satiating effect.

collaborate in maintaining a healthy nervous and immune system, muscle development and regeneration of tissues.

recommend eating at least one teaspoon of these seeds per day to cover basic needs.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Cost Reduction Request Letters


acetylsalicylic acid better known as aspirin, medicine centenary seems to offer a new benefit: an anticancer effect.

And, according to Carlo Patrono, professor of D'Annunzio University of Chieti, Italy, recent studies show that aspirin may also reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer, esophageal and colorectal cancer and death from these .

"apparently has a protective effect at low doses and ate once a day, ie, using the same therapeutic regimen used for cardiovascular prevention. These findings have not yet been reviewed by any regulatory authority, so there is still no approved indication for use of aspirin for chemoprevention, but it opens new horizons, "he said.

According to Patron, Bayer laboratories and regulatory authorities, as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA for its acronym in English), should take joint actions and decide that other clinical trials are needed to confirm or reject this apparent chemoprotective effect.

Patron said where they do exist clearly defined effects of aspirin is in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

"Treats myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke and acute coronary syndromes. In these clinical settings at low doses, aspirin is a drug that could save your life, "he said.

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Research at the Mayo Clinic and the American Academy of Neurology suggests that regular use of ibuprofen - and analgesic commonly used 38% reduced risk of developing Parkinson's.

In a telephone interview, James H. Bower, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic and member of the team that conducted the investigation, which it regarded as fundamental in controlling condition, because ibuprofen has neuroprotective effects.

"We found that people who use ibuprofen, are less likely to develop Parkinson's, even slow its effects, and that for scientific means great news, because for the first time we encounter the possibility that 20 years before they develop the disease they are given the opportunity to stop the symptoms, "said Bower, who published an essay on the study in the journal Neurology.

Usually MILLENNIUM said, people who develop Parkinson's often experience two decades earlier, anxiety, constipation, gastrointestinal problems, and "using ibuprofen has a protective effect."

The research also considered the population carries the gene develops osteoarthritis, and after taking the painkiller, "and did not have Parkinson's.

"Ibuprofen was the only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) associated with a lower risk of developing Parkinson's," said Xiang Gao, another author of the study and researcher at the Faculty of Public Health at Harvard.

The study involved 136 000 474 people without the disease. Patients were asked if they used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory such as aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen. After six years, only 293 participants developed disease.

The scientists found that regular users of ibuprofen were about 40% less likely to develop Parkinson's than people who do not consume, and those taking higher amounts were less likely than those taking smaller amounts. The results were the same regardless of age, use of snuff and caffeine intake.

"Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesics did not appear to have any effect," said Gao. "We need more research to discover how and why ibuprofen appears to reduce the risk of developing Parkinson's," the expert concluded. MILLENNIUM

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The findings add to existing research which links diets rich in fibers with lower rates of hypertension, obesity and high cholesterol.

Researchers at Northwestern University concluded after studying the results of a survey from 2003 to 2008, involving 11.079 people, all from the twenties, with an average age of 46 years. About half were women, 22 percent were black, and 27 percent were Mexican Americans.

The researchers divided study participants into four groups according to the amount of fiber eaten per day and then predicted their lifetime risk of heart disease by factors such as blood pressure and whether they smoked or not.

In people aged 20 to 39 years in addition to the 40 to 59, those who consumed the most fiber had a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who consumed the least amount of fiber, the study found.

The findings were to be presented Tuesday in Atlanta at a scientific session of the American Heart Association on nutrition, physical activity, metabolism, and epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular disease. Research presented at meetings should be considered tentative until they have been subjected to rigorous scrutiny required for publication in peer-reviewed medical journals.

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The research focused on the immediate changes of certain substances derived from the metabolism and not the risk of developing the disease. So do not test whether high-protein diets actually raise the risk of intestinal diseases.

But the results show the possibility, says in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. "The concern is that the risk of developing colorectal cancer increases by long-term adherence to diets rich in protein and low in carbohydrates, in particular, fiber, "he said by e-mail the lead author, Dr. Harry J. Flint, University of Aberdeen.

Such diets help obese lose weight and the team points out that obesity is a risk factor a large number of diseases, including colon cancer.

"Slim has great health benefits," said Flint. Still, he added that it must be ensured that the plan includes adequate amounts of dietary fiber.

The protein-rich diet for months and years, said the author, the colon can become ill. The findings are of 17 obese men who made short three diets: a plan for a week to maintain weight; a 4-week eating plan rich in protein and moderate levels of carbohydrates, and a 4-week diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrates.

The first diet, which provided daily 360 grams of carbohydrates, including grains, eggs and toast for breakfast, a sandwich and a salad for lunch, and chicken, fish or soy pasta, for dinner.

low-carbohydrate diet, which provided 22 grams of carbohydrates daily, consisted of eggs and bacon for breakfast, lunch and dinner with plenty of meat, poultry and fish, along with some vegetables and cheese. The diet with more moderate carbohydrate brought 181 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Both diets rich in protein contributed less than 140 grams of carbohydrates per day. After each diet, the researchers analyzed participants' stool samples to measure certain metabolic byproducts.

During the high-protein diets, they raise levels of N-nitroso compounds and other metabolites associated with cancer. And a diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrate concentrations were reduced derivatives of the fiber that protect against cancer.

For Flint, the results suggest that care must be taken when consuming too much protein and low in fiber for long periods.

The team recommends that people who want to lose weight to ensure that getting enough fiber. Experts recommend that adults consume 28 grams of fiber per day, although it is unknown whether it is sufficient for a person who makes a diet rich in protein. The team is studying. REUTERS

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'carbohydrate counting' IN DIABETIC

That's the conclusion of a new study on healthy adults, questioning how people with type 1 diabetes decide how much insulin should be administered before eating.

In type 1 diabetes, who have 3 million Americans, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar in the blood.

To avoid a dangerous increase blood sugar, diabetics inject insulin before a meal, usually depending on the amount of carbohydrates you ingest.

But the new study, led by Jiansong Bao, University of Sydney in Australia suggests that this would not be the most effective way to do it. The GL of a food, however, would give better results.

team they pricked his finger to 10 healthy young adults to obtain blood samples, participants ate 120 types of foods, all with the same amount of calories. The study also included two groups of volunteers who consumed foods, including many products Western diet, such as cereals, bread, eggs and meat.

The glycemic load repeatedly exceeded carbohydrate counting as to the ability to predict the increased levels of blood sugar and insulin after a meal.

"This suggests we should reconsider the methods used to count the carbohydrates in patients with type 1 diabetes," said Dr. Edward J. Boyko, diabetes expert at the University of Washington in Seattle who was not involved in the study.

But Boyko said it is unknown whether these results would replicate in people who are not completely healthy.

"In the U.S., 60 percent of the population overweight or obese, so we do not know if the results would apply to all or diabetics, "he told Reuters Health.

To calculate the glycemic load, multiply the amount of carbohydrate in grams per serving by the glycemic index food, divided by 100. (The glycemic index of different products available in

Foods with low glycemic index cause blood sugar to increase slowly, low-pressure in the pancreas to produce insulin.

In American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the team writes that the results also suggest that foods with high glycemic load would be associated with the onset of chronic diseases such as diabetes type 2, which does not require injections of insulin, and heart disease by raising sugar and insulin in the blood.

But the study does not prove, as limited only to changes in blood sugar and insulin two hours after each meal, Boyko said.

long-term effects and nutrients in food would also be important in disease risk.

And, according to the expert, the biggest problem remains the excess food. "We must concentrate on being overweight. The simple message is: eat less, "he said.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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The results of the National Strategy for the Control of Overweight and Obesity are not reflected yet in the National Health Survey to be held this year. If anything, observed a decrease in the speed with which this issue was raised in the past 30 years, acknowledged the head of the Ministry of Health (SSA), José Ángel Córdova.

But he said that in the next six years will begin to see indicators strong indications that the Mexican population has reduced the rate of excess body weight, which is currently present in 70 percent of adults and 30 percent of children.

At a press conference to publicize the campaign Eating well is your best choice: measure yourself, watch your weight, which made the SSA and the Mexican Football Federation (FMF), Cordova said about the importance of raising awareness about this problem, which can be caused by a decrease of 10 years in life expectancy. We could start to have or to witness the first generation rather have longer life expectancy, have a reduction for early deaths secondary to cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction or cancer, he said.


advertising people are also at risk of spending about 14 years with a quality of life has deteriorated as a result of the damage and disability caused by these and other evils, he said.

also commented on a new assessment of the Code of Self-Regulation of Advertising to the child population, according to which, in 2010, between 85 and 87 percent of the companies that signed the agreement respected him. Either way, he said, "continues the review of the health regulations on advertising.

In connection with the campaign to be held in April, it was explained that consist the installation of modules where people can learn your body weight and the steps they should take care of your health.

Justino Compean, president of the FMF said that the parties made during April-from two to 16 days of the first team, will be played with a special ball, similar to that used in October as part of the campaign for breast cancer prevention. It is said, to raise awareness to families, especially children and young people, that they should watch their weight, must be measured.

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Would you like to have the memory of an elephant? Gotu Kola try eating one of favorite food of elephants.
Read on for more home remedies to improve your memory.

elephant eats like Gotu Kola, a plant that loves elephants, has been used for thousands of years to increase mental acuity. There is research to support the use of this herb to improve memory. Buy a standard extract and takes 200 ml, 3 times a day.

Take a break with essential oils

In a health food store, buy a small bottle of essential oil of rosemary or basil. Some brain wave tests show that breathing any of these essences increases production of beta waves in the brain, indicating an intensification of consciousness. What you have to do is put a little oil in your hair, wrists or clothing: any place you can smell. Or put the oil in a diffuser and let it fill the air.

coffee has

If you drink caffeinated drinks, you'll get a short-term improvement in your ability to concentrate. And there may be long-term benefits. In the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon, Portugal, the researchers concluded that older people taking three or four cups of coffee a day were less likely to experience memory loss than people who drank a cup or less.


Take 120 ml of ginkgo biloba daily. This herb appears to improve blood flow to the brain, which helps neurons to get the oxygen they need to work better. In Germany, where the government's Commission E reports regularly on the effectiveness of herbal medicine often prescribes a standard extract of ginkgo to prevent both memory loss and stroke. If you're perfectly healthy, you probably will not see any effect of ginkgo, but if you have low blood pressure to the brain, you'll see results.

Another way to increase blood flow to the brain is to exercise. There is evidence that Exercising can increase the number of neurons in the brain. Any type of regular exercise, but especially aerobic exercise like walking or riding a bike will suffice. Exercise also prevents diseases like diabetes, stroke and high blood pressure, which may contribute to memory loss.

Keep in regular blood glucose level

New research has discovered a link between mild glucose intolerance and memory loss related to age. Converted food through the digestive system into glucose (blood sugar) is the main energy source of all organs, including the brain. But many people, especially those that are no longer young, have low glucose tolerance, which means you have trouble processing glucose and that it be from the bloodstream into cells. According to this research, non-diabetic intolerance to glucose, even seems to reduce short-term memory from middle age.

What to do?

Eat reasonably sized at regular hours, with an emphasis on whole foods, rich in fiber, vegetables and carbohydrates on the "white" as white pasta, white bread, potatoes and white rice. Focus

in the good fats, those found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, avocados and fish. They help keep your blood sugar in the blood without clogging your arteries.

Get your kicks! Regular exercise is another way to prevent blood sugar problems. Take a multivitamin daily. Be sure to provide you with 100% daily value of folic acid and B12, as it is difficult to get these in your daily diet. Even moderate deficiency of any of them can contribute to mental decline.

your problem

Listen Listen to some music
frequently and vary the type of music you hear. Researchers have found that listening to music can improve your ability to concentrate and helps you remember what you learned. Some types of music can do, in fact, that your brain to respond more quickly: the faster the pace, your brain responds faster. Put


instead seek ways to reduce your stress. Tense people have high levels of stress hormones in your body. Over time, these hormones can affect the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory. You do not have to sing or meditate, just do something simple and fun, from swing of a hammock to paint with your hands together with your children or grandchildren. Also

consider taking Siberian ginseng, which helps protect the body from the effects of stress and is said to increase mental alertness. Buy a liquid extract and follow the instructions on the dosage on the label.

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boost your metabolism

A trend in the world of diets is to pay attention to metabolism. So, be accelerated, the way the body burns the calories we eat, is the key to losing weight and build muscle stronger. This metabolism varies in each person, but you can do it faster with these tips:

1. Make more muscle building exercises. This speeds up the metabolism, then you need to use more energy while you're resting. To move, the body uses its reserves of fat and calories. You can create more muscle lifting weights, riding a bicycle or using resistance exercise machines in gyms.

2. Of caffeine, for being a stimulant, helps you burn fat. Many people drink tea or coffee before exercise, but if you're going to do, check with your doctor first.

3. Some studies show that people who are exposed to cold climates or who are restless and are always doing something, burn more fat in your body.

4. Eat carbohydrates because they give us more energy. After burn those calories with exercise to do more easily. The famous nutritionist Dr. Constance Crisp explains that "metabolism is like a car engine. As soon as you turn on petrol and started using the faster we go, the more gasoline we use. So the more we move, the more calories and fat accumulated burn. "

5. Make several meals a day. Making just a great meal does not help, because the body recognizes that it lacks energy and slows down the metabolism so we burn less fat. VANITIES

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Parents of teens often feel like they are back to the days of kindergarten, with the exception that the problems can be more serious and things lost or forgotten more expensive. To make matters worse, their table manners are horrible, many do not like to bathe or use deodorant, and forget to clean their teeth.

While no one can say that Bieber, with its 16 years, has an impeccable presentation at the Grammy experienced a typical episode of a teenager distracted by posing for photos with his white tuxedo ... and the open fly.

not see anything, but he was one of those moments that make a father ask, "Why is it that my son lives in another planet?" When will he return to Earth? ". Probably

take a while.

Most scientists thought that the human brain was fully developed for 12 years. But advanced technology research now suggests that the coordination of certain functions are not fully developed until after age 20, according to Lawrence Steinberg, a psychology professor at Temple University.

"It's not that teens are oblivious," he said. "Most likely, they are more aware than adults of the immediate rewards are much less likely to plan and think ahead. The future may be an hour later."

Steinberg is used to talking to parents as it is the author of "You and your teenager: The Essential Guide to the 10 to 25 years" (You and Your Adolescent: The Essential Guide for Ages 10-25).

Aimee Stern of Silver Spring, Maryland, suffering with a 11 year old daughter and a son, 15. "They lost several cell phones, keys and coats," he said.

Stern, who is writing a book about alcohol consumption by teenagers, said he felt "relieved" when he discovered he was "not crazy and forgetting that my children are part of brain development."

That kind of mental nebula also felt in the house of Marc Pitman in Waterville, Maine. Pitman is formed with one thing: that her 11 year old son close the door of his room. "It's going to close the door on the way to forget the room and returns to the room without having to be closed."

Another wish would be "to use the silverware on the table, no hands."

Pitman says he repeats ad nauseam the basic recommendations.

Shelly Walker takes a different approach. Tired of paying for things that lose their 11 year old daughter. "In one week he lost a shoe and iPod touch at school. She knows the value of money."

Sally Treadwell, of Boone, North Carolina, has two daughters aged 17 and 14 years. Like Walker, no pay for the things their daughters lost or broken. But does not attribute these incidents to the brain.

"The notion that teenagers can not keep things because their brains are developing is a very modern concept," he said. "In my family there were five. We had a lot of money and took care of things. Part of growing up is learning to be responsible. The world is not disposable."

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Few people think that loneliness is pleasant, tolerable and much less beautiful. "I hate going to the movies alone," says Denise. "Dining alone in a restaurant? Not mad" exclaimed Claudia. "Going alone on Valentine's Day is the most depressing world, "Nicole complained. And so we could go on citing people who fear or shun this. In fact, some even come to suffer from monofobia, which is the fear of being alone, and may provoke attacks panic and other physical and psychological symptoms.

On the contrary, it is said that "unity is strength," and that "shared joy is increased, while the lowest is shared pain." This can be true. But what happens when, for reasons of life-a divorce or separation, death or absence of a loved one, or the simple fact that we did not find a partner, we alone?

Today, the person who is single ... not alone. With the divorce rate by 51 percent in the United States, many people live without a partner. At the same time, as some believe it is not obliged to marry or have a partner, sometimes decide that, as the saying goes, "it is better to be alone than in bad company" and choose to wait until you find someone that really the supplement and not only serve their company. In short: loneliness does not define us, is simply a circumstantial condition. Is it possible to see the positive side and even get a - do not be shocked! - Enjoy it? Absolutely. When the footage for the bright side, it can be a time to grow and, above all, enrichment for you.

The time you spend alone, whether a few days or several years can be ... whatever you want. You can live this stage bitter and resentful, or full of joy and excitement, you and only you decide what the quality of your life. So what do you prefer? "Having a good time, taking the opportunity to concentrate on you, or make it an agonizing wait for someone who makes you happy? If you opt for the latter, realize you're basing your happiness on something external, that is beyond your control. If you prefer solitude to maximum advantage, then you will be taking the reins and control your life. Here are the five "golden rules" to make the most of this stage of your life:

1. Fall in love ... you. Now you have to put aside your interests, or yield to please someone else, This is your opportunity to contact your "self" and discover who you really: do you like it, motivates or inspires you (modern art , shopping, outdoor dining, dancing). Take a reading as if you were another person you want to get to know. What do you think about politics or religion? Define love. What is your philosophy of life? What are your moral values \u200b\u200band what is, at least at this point, your mission? Learn how you can have a wonderful effect, that they might "fall in love" with you and come to respect you, to nurture and appreciate you in all your facets. Your prescription: write what you find every day.

2. Expand your world. The next step is to open yourself to new experiences, all those things you'd like to test or try, but you could not be accomplished by being in a relationship. "I'm spending a month's holiday a train across Europe," says Denise. "Now that I have free time, I decided to realize an old dream." Susana Marta decided to study photography and joined a group of jazz lovers who meet every week to listen to your favorite CD. Being alone has given them opportunity to explore all that before they saw as an impossible dream. Your recipe: take a class or explore a new hobby.

3. Indulge. To the extent you can, treat yourself to all these things in your list of pleasures: handmade chocolates, a romance novel, watching TV in my pajamas until two in the morning, etc.. Delight giving tastes (of course, as always, going over with pleasure problem.) Your recipe: make a list of everything you love and please you.

4. Explore your spiritual and emotional world. To focus and create a healthy balance in your life, yoga classes, meditation and breathing, as well as other techniques such as tai chi can help you live a more calm and balanced. Now that you have time, you can also explore individual psychotherapy or group therapy, to learn to manage your emotions in a healthy and balanced. Your recipe: investigates a spiritual discipline, emotional or psychological that allows you to improve as a person.

5. Create magic. Do not give a simple shower, treat yourself to a bubble bath. Put flowers in the room and fill your bed pillows to sink into them while you listen or read your favorite novel. This shows you do not have to wait for another person to do something special for you, you alone can fill your life with magic and beauty. Your recipe: one day a week, "Treat yourself" home for dinner on the table and put your favorite meal, the tablecloth and dishes elegant luxury.

Finally, remember that for others to consider and I appreciate you, you have to consider you and nurture you, and we attract exactly what we are. So if you want to attract into your life to a fulfilled man, mature, interesting, loves and respects, likewise have to be you. And not get sitting around waiting for this to be ideal touch to your door. The magic is in you and, if you can handle, loneliness is the key that lets you open the door to a wonderful world.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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I wanted to prepare a special surprise for my boyfriend for his birthday, not only that the 40 is a special day to celebrate if not for this past year has been hard for him and wanted him to know what we all want.

The truth that was exciting, rented the loft of a friend and 80 people met to surprise. When it came not expecting anything and I thought I went to dinner with his friend Oscar to a restaurant after soccer .......... came and we were all with the lights off ....... ..... and sang happy birthday ..................... not believe. We stayed up late dancing to the music while Manollo projected on the wall pictures of him with friends and family ............. Jose says he has been among the best moments of his life ............. ... and I'm so glad to have been part ...................... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE

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The sudden increases in moderate to vigorous physical activity such as jogging or having sex, increase significantly the risk of heart attack, especially in people who do not exercise regularly, researchers published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Doctors already know that physical activity can cause serious heart problems, but the new study helps quantify the risk, said Dr. Issa Dahabreh of Tufts Medical Center in Boston.

The researchers analyzed data from 14 studies and examined the link between exercise, sex and the risk of heart attack or sudden cardiac death, fatal heart rhythm that causes blood to stop flowing.

Researchers found that people are 3.5 times more likely to suffer a heart attack or sudden cardiac death when you are exercising compared with times that are not doing.

and are 2.7 times more likely to suffer a heart attack when have sex or just after, compared with the time do not practice.

Jessica Paulus, another researcher at Tufts who participated in the study, said the risk was quite high. But the increased risk period is short.

"These risks are elevated for only a short period of time (1 to 2 hours) during and after physical or sexual activity," said Paulus.

Because of this, the risk to individuals during the course of a year is still very small, he added.

"If you take 10 000 people, each individual session of physical or sexual activity per week may be associated with an increase of 1 to 2 cases of heart attack or sudden cardiac death each year," Paulus said.

The doctor said it is important to balance the findings with other studies showing that regular physical activity reduces the risk of heart attacks and sudden cardiac death by 30 percent.

"What we really do not want to make is that the public away from this and think that exercise is bad," said the researcher.

This means that people who do not exercise regularly should start any exercise program slowly and gradually increased the intensity of practices over time, he said. NORTH

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National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), in a draft guidance to patients in the Hospital General de Mexico (HGM) for the prevention of diabetic foot, one of the most frequent complications among Mexicans with diabetes mellitus.

The project's objective was to identify self-care capabilities of patients and help prevent complications arising interventions education, said Andrés Maya Morales, a researcher at the School of Nursing and Midwifery (ESEO).

"One of the basic functions of nurses is the art of teaching self-care to the population and in the case of type 2 diabetes mellitus, we have focused our efforts on various projects, some related to the promotion family support, care and adaptation to the new condition of the person with the disease, as well as proper foot care to avoid amputation, since 80 percent are related to diabetes, "said science teacher also Nursing, according to a bulletin issued by the IPN.

Among diabetic patients who participated, found that 40 percent do not monitor their blood glucose levels, 47 percent do not eat the diet prescribed for their condition, 40 percent are not physically active, 47 percent does not cut your nails properly and 6 percent reported having seen in recent months lesions on their feet as more dryness, cracks and calluses.

the nails
The present lack of brightness and thickening is an alarm signal that must be seeing a specialist to review the overall condition of the feet.

The diabetic foot is the result of a degenerative process exacerbated by poor circulation, with the loss of sensitivity, which is why small lesions do not cause discomfort and allowed to move forward without a specific care, Maya said Morales. REFORM

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In hot weather, as you choose your target tones of clothing: if you want to protect your skin from the effects of the sun, use dark colors, and if you intend to have less heat and be fashionable, colors clear.

The black, blue, violet and coffee, among others, repel more ultraviolet radiation, said Minerva Gomez, a member of the Mexican Foundation for Dermatology (FMD).

There is an international standard methods for determining the ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of clothing, it depends on things like the type of fabric: cotton, rayon and linen are less FPU than nylon, wool, silk and polyester, and the porosity, thickness and weight of fabric: a little space between threads, more fabric weight and thickness, more FPU. There

specifies that dark colors have more FPU. That is the reason why the inhabitants of deserts using dark colored clothes that cover the entire body.

A parallel recommendation to protect your skin this season, said Minerva Gomez, is to avoid contact with liquids from citrus and wear perfume in areas that are exposed to the sun

Both citrus as perfumes contain a photosensitive substance (psoralen) in specific concentrations can stain your skin.

Be especially careful when going to the beach or pool and eat food that is seasoned with lemon juice, then the contact can go unnoticed until the skin is spotted, he said.

In extreme cases, high concentration of citrus perfumes long time exposure to the sun, the stain can become a burn with blisters (second degree).

"No it is not sunbathe, but sun you need to get their benefits in 15 minutes of exposure is achieved the beneficial effect of calcium adhering to the bones, "he concluded.

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According to an article published in The Lancet in electronic pre-print , approximately 50 percent of men in a general population sample was infected with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

addition, each year 6 percent of them acquire a new HPV 16 infection, the virus better known to cause cancer in both women (cervix) and men, reported the National Institute of Public Health (INSP).

The study, conducted by three research groups, including one of the INSP, having multiple partners, whether male or female, makes men more prone to infection caused by HPV.

HPV is easily transmitted from men to women, raising the risk of disease in women, so the authors, the Cancer Center and Research Institute in Tampa, Florida and the Ludwig Institute, Sao Paulo, Brazil, indicate that understanding the nature of the virus in men is vital to public health, in addition to this knowledge is used to develop cost-effective models of HPV vaccination in men.

The study looked at 159 thousand men between 18 and 70 years of age (mean 32 years), HIV negative and no history of cancer, native to the United States, Brazil and Mexico, who were assessed every six months for an average time over two years.

The probability of developing an HPV type associated with cancer was 2.4 times higher in men who had fifty or more female partners than in those with one partner or had no, and 2.6 times higher in men who had at least three male partners with whom anal sex, that couples who had no recent.

The average duration of HPV infection was 7.5 months for any HPV, and 12 months for oncogenic HPV type 16.

These data reveal the enormous frequency of HPV in men that in the near future, making it feasible to consider that the infection by this virus in anogenital region is part of the everyday sexual life, so it is necessary to establish preventive measures primary (HPV vaccines) and secondary (HPV and Pap tests newspapers), to improve strategies for prevention and control of anogenital cancer, the researchers concluded. REFORM

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Breakfast, lunch and dinner without times stable prevents proper functioning of the body in digestion, nutrient absorption and distribution of energy also causes the metabolism to slow, build energy and create abdominal fat in overweight and obesity history.

The digestive process takes place in about four to six hours, and that's why the schedule should be stable, said Lupercio Miriam Luz Navarrete, dietitian nutritionist Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS).

In fact, do not leave home without breakfast, because the ideal is to do an hour before leaving for school or work, preferably before nine o'clock. After a snack of fruit or vegetables between 10 and 11 hours, making meals from two to four in the afternoon, an afternoon snack and dinner two hours before bed, said in a bulletin of the IMSS.

Refreshments (snack or lunch) is recommended two hours after breakfast and two hours after the meal, it is a low-calorie food, like fruits and vegetables, or a small handful of almonds or walnuts.

exercise is also necessary to use the energy consumed in food and eliminating it, since the excess calories they accumulate in the body and go to belly fat.

To avoid metabolic disorders should schedule a generous breakfast, lunch and dinner regular very light. It is best to include one food from each group at each meal. For breakfast and lunch: fruit, vegetables, animal product, legumes, cereals and tubers.

IMSS Dietitian said it is very important to take a light meal at dinner: fruit, whole grain cereal or a glass of milk is enough.

"Many times people stop to dine with the idea that they will lose weight, but as many hours of fast-food breakfast (the metabolism slows down its rate), rather than lose weight, increase the weight" , Lupercio said Navarrete.

It is best to hike after food, as if the body remains at rest the energy is not distributed in the same way and that, if food consumption is high in calories, obesity develops.

People who can not exercise because they work, must get up every 20 minutes from your place to not be sitting all the time. REFORM

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a teen Every lie carefully woven to hide the truth, it is usually an attempt to cover prohibited acts, and sometimes even dangerous.

Recently, a study by the Josephson Institute of Ethics in America, based in Los Angeles showed that 80 percent of high school students surveyed admitted to lying to their parents about something significant "in the last year.

In fact, according to Javier Lopez, coordinator of counseling UDEM 7 out of 10 kids who drink or smoke, lie to their parents about it.

In adolescence is very common that young people do not control their impulses, make your wellbeing in mind things temporarily and then lied about it, explains Cristina Kennington, founder and director of the Preventive Psychology Counseling Center.

"When parents confront you about something bad they did, the adolescent begins to take lie because sometimes you do not know why he did it, "says psychotherapist.

And most young people lie without measuring the risks they are exposed.

However, the lie can also be willful and in those cases is often related to evasion of punishment.

Examples of this type are lies like "I parked and saw collided who was" or "I do not drink or smoke."

"This does not mean that all offenders are , but can be interpreted as a conscious desire to break the rules, "says Kennington.

Another type of lie is the fantasy that seeks to deceive others and even themselves to increase self-esteem.

stop them
To avoid punishment, fear or just to get away with it, many teens, either instinctively or with premeditation, hatched a lie.

When a lie is successful, the guy usually returns to it, so you better stop it in time to prevent cheating will result in an abuse of alcohol consumption, poor grades, bullying or sex early .

"A lie is maintained, at any age until I discovered, and you will create the habit of lying to the extent that you succeed in your lies," says school psychologist and therapist Marina Pérez.

"If you discover your child on time, you will remove the custom. Detecting time is precisely to prevent a major problem."

Many teenagers lying on the bottom expect their parents to discover.

"We realize at that age that we are doing wrong, but you can stop by peer pressure, or whatever, and you need someone to rescue you," says adolescent sexuality educator also.

Discovering your child, you must confront, not to pass the time thinking it was a small lie.

"The confrontation, rather than a nagging situation because you lied, you have to be focused on what is the disadvantage of lying and you finally going to know as Dad. "

The first school

Although parents do not like hearing it, is at home where values \u200b\u200bsuch as honesty are learned, and the school only serves to strengthened.

"Everything is stock you have to have before the age of 8 to stay firm and clear that there are things you learn later," says Perez, "and although it hurts, education in values \u200b\u200bis part of the house because that is what the child is forever. "

If you avoid answering the phone to send your child to say you're not, he is witness to your lies.

" We're teaching you can lie, and the problem is that certain age when they can not tell a lie and when not. "
always tell the truth can be as easy as learning a few words.

" automatically as taught to say 'thank you' and 'please', which at first do not know why or what, then already is established and becomes a habit, "Perez recommended.

To inculcate a large value, you must go minimal representation, ie, stealing a weight is the same as stealing 100: you are stealing, a little lie is the same as a mentirota: You're lying.

Therefore, basic phone a parent can give their child to avoid the lie is clear: to play fair and be natural is the best way to gain acceptance of others.

The 3 most common lies

Experts discuss the reasons behind the most common scams: 1

"I do not drink or smoke"

75 percent of teens who use alcohol or snuff them lie their parents about it, says Javier López, coordinator of counseling UDEM.

"These substances are linked to the adult stage, then many times the teen wants to experience that stage and do it in the defects in the forbidden," he says.

Young, although they know it's wrong, hide the intake to avoid the reprimand, because they feel they are mature enough to make their decisions.

In these cases, parents should not react with screams, but calmly to establish trust to motivate young people to respect the limits.

"What school? Everything's OK"

Lying about qualifications is something that young teens can do to avoid punishment or, if the relationship with their parents nearby, not to disappoint.

If there is no trust, to go to college the problem may worsen.

"The young man who has come a long lying point denying reality, and even lies to himself, "says psychotherapist Cristina Kennington, director of the Preventive Psychology Counseling Center.

" Some young people even spend the money their parents sent them for college and brag to their friends about how well they will not consider, "said Carlos Leal, a psychologist with expertise in child and adolescent psychotherapy.

" I go home of a friend "

The crisis of insecurity, it is normal for parents demonstrate fearful about the night life of their children, however, prohibit the outputs is not the solution.

When the young man feels trapped or pressured tends to lie about the places they frequent, and gives the typical "I'm a friend's house," said Lopez of the University of Monterrey.

Thus, without even being aware, kids prevent their parents to protect, for ignoring its location unknown whether children are at risk or not. Children


training specialists provide suggestions to form the value in children:

- Be honest with them: It is important to teach by example.

- Respect Your Privacy: There are things that a teenager or young man did not want to share with their parents, not all the secrets it holds are dangerous.

- Do not lose your cool: When your son (s) tells you something disturbing, listen and talk calmly. Save for later cries, probably your child is already anxious or worried and do not want to scare you even more.

- Do not let him lie to others: If you do not want to lie, it is important to show them that it is wrong to lie to others as well.

- Be discreet: Trust is something very difficult to achieve and easy to lose. If your child (a) is about to talk to you, avoid commenting on what your friends you have. NORTH

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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In 2020, depression will be, but the first, one of the leading causes of lost man-hours, which will seriously affect their working lives and relationships of thousands of people, said Jose Luis Góngora Alfaro specialist.

coordinator Neuroscience Research Center Hydey Noguchi of the Autonomous University of Yucatan (UADY) indicated that these figures are based on projections by the World Health Organization (WHO).

In an interview, said that the development of communication technologies and information, unfortunately, part of the problem that encourages depression in humans.

"People live in a hurry, afraid of losing their jobs or be unemployed, there is loss of family structure, divorce, work problems, among others," he said.

This, he said, causes the Chronic stress alters brain chemistry and persons likely to develop depression, which affects people of all ages, from schoolchildren to seniors. This scenario

negativity caused by depressive symptoms and is considered a serious health problem that is increasing and affecting not only social, but also economic, Góngora Alfaro said.

"Depression alters the mental state of individuals and raises the level of stress, so that often the person who has it starts to lose interest in their personal and professional development beyond that will begin to lose man-hours calls "he said.

Above all, he continued, when you enter a stage known as major depression, disease that affects people for up to two consecutive weeks and is characterized by sadness and no interest in pleasurable activities.

"This disease has severe impact on the workplace and in the interaction of people with the disease and the way it goes, it is expected that in less than a decade, depression is a major cause of lost time man in the productive life, "he said. THE UNIVERSAL

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Research has also confirmed that substances similar to melatonin also have an important protective role against oxidative damage and inflammatory and recovery of complex I activity, the inhibition is a fundamental pathophysiological event in the development of Parkinson's disease, reported the University of Granada.

The finding could have an important consequence for the design of new drugs that help prevent the disease, according to investigators.

Parkinson's disease is a 40% reduction in the activity of complex I of the electron transport chain in the substantia nigra of these patients, with a loss of between 70 and 80% of the neurons located in this tissue before symptoms appear.

In mice treated for this study, the activity of complex I is reduced by 65% \u200b\u200bin the substantia nigra, and treatment with melatonin or its structural analogues counteract this reduction, normalizing mitochondrial function.

Part of the results of work have been published in scientific journals Journal of Neuroscience Research and European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

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depressed parents, HIT A CHILD: A STUDY

As with new mothers, new parents can suffer from depression, and one study found that a surprising number of parents sad clapping beat their children for one year.

About 40% of depressed parents in a survey said they have given spank their children, while the number drops 13% among parents who suffered from depression.

Academy of Pediatrics United States and many experts in child development warn of the dangers of spanking children at any age. Other studies have shown that youngsters who have received the most at risk of physical abuse and become aggressive.

According to investigators, spanking children is particularly problematic just one year, they may be injured and "unlikely to understand the connection between their behavior and subsequent punishment."

The study was unveiled on Monday in the medical journal Pediatrics. The authors analyzed data from 746 thousand parents in 16 large U.S. cities between 1999 and 2000.

Dr. Neal Davis, who led the study, said that this is the latest comprehensive information on the subject, and believes it is important because depression among parents is related to the unemployment figures, which are much higher than a decade ago.

Some of the parents had a history of depression, but others, that picture was likely linked to the birth of their children, in a manner similar to postpartum depression in women, Davis said.

Postpartum depression is more common in women, and by some estimates, 25% develop after birth.

Severe cases have been linked to suicides and child deaths. Much less is known about depression among new fathers, the study creates awareness about an under-recognized problem, said Dr. Craig Garfield, professor of pediatrics at Northwestern University.

Chris Illuminati, a writer in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, father of a son of a year, says he read the brochures postpartum The doctor gave his wife during a visit to his office. He said he quietly answered yes to questions about symptoms. Illuminati

said he had never experienced depression, but since her son was born a few months began to feel unusually depressed, sleep deprived, was trapped and resentful a baby who slept erratically and had disrupted their lives.

Although he says he has never spank your child, has felt the frustration that can lead others to do so.

"This should be studied. The hardest thing will be to get men to talk about it ... or even recognize it," said. THE UNIVERSAL

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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