Sunday, March 27, 2011

Married Congratulations Messages

MEN INCREASINGLY vanity, Botox and Liposuction SUBMIT

male aesthetic operations rose 2 percent in 2010, revealed today a survey of plastic surgeons society of the United States (ASPS, for its acronym in English), according to which men were subjected to 1.1 million procedures.

surgeons in this new report show that stretching of face among American men rose 14 percent and 7 percent liposuction.

ASPS statistics indicate that there has been a change in the trend of male cosmetic surgery. Although before men undergoing minimally invasive procedures now dare to all kinds of cosmetic surgical procedures.

Something that explains the president of the ASPS, Dr. Phillip Haeck, may be that the "generation of baby-boomers (born between 1945 to 1964) has widened and is now ready for cosmetic surgery."

Ten surgical procedures increased the most last year were a facelift, which increased 14 percent over the previous year, the operation of ears, which rose 11 percent, and the filling of wrinkles, which increased by 10 percent.

After these three, botox injections were the most popular, which rose 9 percent, liposuction rose 7 percent and male breast reduction by 6 percent.

Finally, eyelid surgery, removal of stains (dermabrasion), removal of fine laser and laser treatments in the veins of the legs increased by 4 percent.

surgeons listed in its report have also noticed a change in the trend of men who require their services.

"Usually people think that celebrities and high profile people are undergoing the knife," said Dr. Stephen Baker, a member of the ASPS in Washington DC.

However, "if that is true, the average of men who seek surgical treatment, in general, is a guy who wants to look as good as it feels."

"The Most of my patients are not the sort of person you could imagine that it would resort to plastic surgery, "said Baker.

Dr. Baker said that the 'baby-boomers are now reaching retirement age and" want to see well, so when they have the financial means to do so, they are doing. "

operations were more men in 2010 were nose reshaping (rhinoplasty), with 64 000 interventions, eyelid surgery (31 mil) , liposuction (24 thousand) breast reduction (18 billion) and hair transplantation (13 mil).

For minor procedures, the Botox injection was the most popular, with 337 thousand permanent hair removal laser (165 thousand), microdermabrasion (158 thousand), cleaning the skin with chemicals (90 mil) and the filling of wrinkles (78 mil). EXCELSIOR


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