Friday, March 25, 2011

Cost Reduction Request Letters


acetylsalicylic acid better known as aspirin, medicine centenary seems to offer a new benefit: an anticancer effect.

And, according to Carlo Patrono, professor of D'Annunzio University of Chieti, Italy, recent studies show that aspirin may also reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer, esophageal and colorectal cancer and death from these .

"apparently has a protective effect at low doses and ate once a day, ie, using the same therapeutic regimen used for cardiovascular prevention. These findings have not yet been reviewed by any regulatory authority, so there is still no approved indication for use of aspirin for chemoprevention, but it opens new horizons, "he said.

According to Patron, Bayer laboratories and regulatory authorities, as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA for its acronym in English), should take joint actions and decide that other clinical trials are needed to confirm or reject this apparent chemoprotective effect.

Patron said where they do exist clearly defined effects of aspirin is in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

"Treats myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke and acute coronary syndromes. In these clinical settings at low doses, aspirin is a drug that could save your life, "he said.


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