Thursday, March 24, 2011

North Face Aconagua Vs. Nuptse


Few people think that loneliness is pleasant, tolerable and much less beautiful. "I hate going to the movies alone," says Denise. "Dining alone in a restaurant? Not mad" exclaimed Claudia. "Going alone on Valentine's Day is the most depressing world, "Nicole complained. And so we could go on citing people who fear or shun this. In fact, some even come to suffer from monofobia, which is the fear of being alone, and may provoke attacks panic and other physical and psychological symptoms.

On the contrary, it is said that "unity is strength," and that "shared joy is increased, while the lowest is shared pain." This can be true. But what happens when, for reasons of life-a divorce or separation, death or absence of a loved one, or the simple fact that we did not find a partner, we alone?

Today, the person who is single ... not alone. With the divorce rate by 51 percent in the United States, many people live without a partner. At the same time, as some believe it is not obliged to marry or have a partner, sometimes decide that, as the saying goes, "it is better to be alone than in bad company" and choose to wait until you find someone that really the supplement and not only serve their company. In short: loneliness does not define us, is simply a circumstantial condition. Is it possible to see the positive side and even get a - do not be shocked! - Enjoy it? Absolutely. When the footage for the bright side, it can be a time to grow and, above all, enrichment for you.

The time you spend alone, whether a few days or several years can be ... whatever you want. You can live this stage bitter and resentful, or full of joy and excitement, you and only you decide what the quality of your life. So what do you prefer? "Having a good time, taking the opportunity to concentrate on you, or make it an agonizing wait for someone who makes you happy? If you opt for the latter, realize you're basing your happiness on something external, that is beyond your control. If you prefer solitude to maximum advantage, then you will be taking the reins and control your life. Here are the five "golden rules" to make the most of this stage of your life:

1. Fall in love ... you. Now you have to put aside your interests, or yield to please someone else, This is your opportunity to contact your "self" and discover who you really: do you like it, motivates or inspires you (modern art , shopping, outdoor dining, dancing). Take a reading as if you were another person you want to get to know. What do you think about politics or religion? Define love. What is your philosophy of life? What are your moral values \u200b\u200band what is, at least at this point, your mission? Learn how you can have a wonderful effect, that they might "fall in love" with you and come to respect you, to nurture and appreciate you in all your facets. Your prescription: write what you find every day.

2. Expand your world. The next step is to open yourself to new experiences, all those things you'd like to test or try, but you could not be accomplished by being in a relationship. "I'm spending a month's holiday a train across Europe," says Denise. "Now that I have free time, I decided to realize an old dream." Susana Marta decided to study photography and joined a group of jazz lovers who meet every week to listen to your favorite CD. Being alone has given them opportunity to explore all that before they saw as an impossible dream. Your recipe: take a class or explore a new hobby.

3. Indulge. To the extent you can, treat yourself to all these things in your list of pleasures: handmade chocolates, a romance novel, watching TV in my pajamas until two in the morning, etc.. Delight giving tastes (of course, as always, going over with pleasure problem.) Your recipe: make a list of everything you love and please you.

4. Explore your spiritual and emotional world. To focus and create a healthy balance in your life, yoga classes, meditation and breathing, as well as other techniques such as tai chi can help you live a more calm and balanced. Now that you have time, you can also explore individual psychotherapy or group therapy, to learn to manage your emotions in a healthy and balanced. Your recipe: investigates a spiritual discipline, emotional or psychological that allows you to improve as a person.

5. Create magic. Do not give a simple shower, treat yourself to a bubble bath. Put flowers in the room and fill your bed pillows to sink into them while you listen or read your favorite novel. This shows you do not have to wait for another person to do something special for you, you alone can fill your life with magic and beauty. Your recipe: one day a week, "Treat yourself" home for dinner on the table and put your favorite meal, the tablecloth and dishes elegant luxury.

Finally, remember that for others to consider and I appreciate you, you have to consider you and nurture you, and we attract exactly what we are. So if you want to attract into your life to a fulfilled man, mature, interesting, loves and respects, likewise have to be you. And not get sitting around waiting for this to be ideal touch to your door. The magic is in you and, if you can handle, loneliness is the key that lets you open the door to a wonderful world.


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