Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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In hot weather, as you choose your target tones of clothing: if you want to protect your skin from the effects of the sun, use dark colors, and if you intend to have less heat and be fashionable, colors clear.

The black, blue, violet and coffee, among others, repel more ultraviolet radiation, said Minerva Gomez, a member of the Mexican Foundation for Dermatology (FMD).

There is an international standard methods for determining the ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of clothing, it depends on things like the type of fabric: cotton, rayon and linen are less FPU than nylon, wool, silk and polyester, and the porosity, thickness and weight of fabric: a little space between threads, more fabric weight and thickness, more FPU. There

specifies that dark colors have more FPU. That is the reason why the inhabitants of deserts using dark colored clothes that cover the entire body.

A parallel recommendation to protect your skin this season, said Minerva Gomez, is to avoid contact with liquids from citrus and wear perfume in areas that are exposed to the sun

Both citrus as perfumes contain a photosensitive substance (psoralen) in specific concentrations can stain your skin.

Be especially careful when going to the beach or pool and eat food that is seasoned with lemon juice, then the contact can go unnoticed until the skin is spotted, he said.

In extreme cases, high concentration of citrus perfumes long time exposure to the sun, the stain can become a burn with blisters (second degree).

"No it is not sunbathe, but sun you need to get their benefits in 15 minutes of exposure is achieved the beneficial effect of calcium adhering to the bones, "he concluded.


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