Tuesday, March 22, 2011

1 Page Wedding Program

depressed parents, HIT A CHILD: A STUDY

As with new mothers, new parents can suffer from depression, and one study found that a surprising number of parents sad clapping beat their children for one year.

About 40% of depressed parents in a survey said they have given spank their children, while the number drops 13% among parents who suffered from depression.

Academy of Pediatrics United States and many experts in child development warn of the dangers of spanking children at any age. Other studies have shown that youngsters who have received the most at risk of physical abuse and become aggressive.

According to investigators, spanking children is particularly problematic just one year, they may be injured and "unlikely to understand the connection between their behavior and subsequent punishment."

The study was unveiled on Monday in the medical journal Pediatrics. The authors analyzed data from 746 thousand parents in 16 large U.S. cities between 1999 and 2000.

Dr. Neal Davis, who led the study, said that this is the latest comprehensive information on the subject, and believes it is important because depression among parents is related to the unemployment figures, which are much higher than a decade ago.

Some of the parents had a history of depression, but others, that picture was likely linked to the birth of their children, in a manner similar to postpartum depression in women, Davis said.

Postpartum depression is more common in women, and by some estimates, 25% develop after birth.

Severe cases have been linked to suicides and child deaths. Much less is known about depression among new fathers, the study creates awareness about an under-recognized problem, said Dr. Craig Garfield, professor of pediatrics at Northwestern University.

Chris Illuminati, a writer in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, father of a son of a year, says he read the brochures postpartum The doctor gave his wife during a visit to his office. He said he quietly answered yes to questions about symptoms. Illuminati

said he had never experienced depression, but since her son was born a few months began to feel unusually depressed, sleep deprived, was trapped and resentful a baby who slept erratically and had disrupted their lives.

Although he says he has never spank your child, has felt the frustration that can lead others to do so.

"This should be studied. The hardest thing will be to get men to talk about it ... or even recognize it," said. THE UNIVERSAL


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