Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Honda Odyssey Front Licence Plate


Breakfast, lunch and dinner without times stable prevents proper functioning of the body in digestion, nutrient absorption and distribution of energy also causes the metabolism to slow, build energy and create abdominal fat in overweight and obesity history.

The digestive process takes place in about four to six hours, and that's why the schedule should be stable, said Lupercio Miriam Luz Navarrete, dietitian nutritionist Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS).

In fact, do not leave home without breakfast, because the ideal is to do an hour before leaving for school or work, preferably before nine o'clock. After a snack of fruit or vegetables between 10 and 11 hours, making meals from two to four in the afternoon, an afternoon snack and dinner two hours before bed, said in a bulletin of the IMSS.

Refreshments (snack or lunch) is recommended two hours after breakfast and two hours after the meal, it is a low-calorie food, like fruits and vegetables, or a small handful of almonds or walnuts.

exercise is also necessary to use the energy consumed in food and eliminating it, since the excess calories they accumulate in the body and go to belly fat.

To avoid metabolic disorders should schedule a generous breakfast, lunch and dinner regular very light. It is best to include one food from each group at each meal. For breakfast and lunch: fruit, vegetables, animal product, legumes, cereals and tubers.

IMSS Dietitian said it is very important to take a light meal at dinner: fruit, whole grain cereal or a glass of milk is enough.

"Many times people stop to dine with the idea that they will lose weight, but as many hours of fast-food breakfast (the metabolism slows down its rate), rather than lose weight, increase the weight" , Lupercio said Navarrete.

It is best to hike after food, as if the body remains at rest the energy is not distributed in the same way and that, if food consumption is high in calories, obesity develops.

People who can not exercise because they work, must get up every 20 minutes from your place to not be sitting all the time. REFORM


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