Thursday, March 24, 2011

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boost your metabolism

A trend in the world of diets is to pay attention to metabolism. So, be accelerated, the way the body burns the calories we eat, is the key to losing weight and build muscle stronger. This metabolism varies in each person, but you can do it faster with these tips:

1. Make more muscle building exercises. This speeds up the metabolism, then you need to use more energy while you're resting. To move, the body uses its reserves of fat and calories. You can create more muscle lifting weights, riding a bicycle or using resistance exercise machines in gyms.

2. Of caffeine, for being a stimulant, helps you burn fat. Many people drink tea or coffee before exercise, but if you're going to do, check with your doctor first.

3. Some studies show that people who are exposed to cold climates or who are restless and are always doing something, burn more fat in your body.

4. Eat carbohydrates because they give us more energy. After burn those calories with exercise to do more easily. The famous nutritionist Dr. Constance Crisp explains that "metabolism is like a car engine. As soon as you turn on petrol and started using the faster we go, the more gasoline we use. So the more we move, the more calories and fat accumulated burn. "

5. Make several meals a day. Making just a great meal does not help, because the body recognizes that it lacks energy and slows down the metabolism so we burn less fat. VANITIES


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