Friday, March 25, 2011

Vidios Of Women In Girdles


The research focused on the immediate changes of certain substances derived from the metabolism and not the risk of developing the disease. So do not test whether high-protein diets actually raise the risk of intestinal diseases.

But the results show the possibility, says in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. "The concern is that the risk of developing colorectal cancer increases by long-term adherence to diets rich in protein and low in carbohydrates, in particular, fiber, "he said by e-mail the lead author, Dr. Harry J. Flint, University of Aberdeen.

Such diets help obese lose weight and the team points out that obesity is a risk factor a large number of diseases, including colon cancer.

"Slim has great health benefits," said Flint. Still, he added that it must be ensured that the plan includes adequate amounts of dietary fiber.

The protein-rich diet for months and years, said the author, the colon can become ill. The findings are of 17 obese men who made short three diets: a plan for a week to maintain weight; a 4-week eating plan rich in protein and moderate levels of carbohydrates, and a 4-week diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrates.

The first diet, which provided daily 360 grams of carbohydrates, including grains, eggs and toast for breakfast, a sandwich and a salad for lunch, and chicken, fish or soy pasta, for dinner.

low-carbohydrate diet, which provided 22 grams of carbohydrates daily, consisted of eggs and bacon for breakfast, lunch and dinner with plenty of meat, poultry and fish, along with some vegetables and cheese. The diet with more moderate carbohydrate brought 181 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Both diets rich in protein contributed less than 140 grams of carbohydrates per day. After each diet, the researchers analyzed participants' stool samples to measure certain metabolic byproducts.

During the high-protein diets, they raise levels of N-nitroso compounds and other metabolites associated with cancer. And a diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrate concentrations were reduced derivatives of the fiber that protect against cancer.

For Flint, the results suggest that care must be taken when consuming too much protein and low in fiber for long periods.

The team recommends that people who want to lose weight to ensure that getting enough fiber. Experts recommend that adults consume 28 grams of fiber per day, although it is unknown whether it is sufficient for a person who makes a diet rich in protein. The team is studying. REUTERS


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