Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hap Ki Do Belt Display


Do you often curse when you get angry? It might be a good idea to change this reaction a little prayer.

A study by Ohio University found that one prayer or prayer can help reduce the anger of the people.

The calm that comes from a prayer should not be relied on divine power, but the change that is generated in the way they are interpreted negative situations.

"We found that prayers really can help people cope with their anger, probably by changing the way we view the events that made them angry and help them take it less personal," says professor communication and psychology and study co-author Brad Bushman.

religious beliefs, the frequency with which he attends a temple or church and the number of times that regularly makes a sentence does not affect the results and the calm you get when praying. This means that even someone who does not have any religious affiliation can get the relief offered a prayer.

The study and tests are divided into three parts.

The first stage measured the levels of anger, fatigue, depression and vigor of 53 university students were later asked to write an essay about an event that would have been angry and told they would be evaluated by a peer . However, no test was evaluated and all received a note saying: "This is one of the worst essays I have read."

After causing his anger with the note the researchers re-measure their levels of tension, anger and depression. They were then presented the case of a young student who had a rare case of cancer and asked them to pray or think about her.

Individuals who prayed for the good of the students showed their anger at having liberated the following measurements compared with those who thought only of the student.

"The effects found in these experiments were very wide, suggesting that the prayers could constitute a real way to calm the anger and aggression, "said Sander Koole, another of the researchers.

" When a person is facing its own anger, perhaps they should consider the old warning to pray for their own enemies, "said Bremner .

might be difficult to pray for that person who made you angry to get in line but would certainly be a better choice for the quiet to shout obscenities.


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