Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wedding Invitations Vegetarian


I wanted to prepare a special surprise for my boyfriend for his birthday, not only that the 40 is a special day to celebrate if not for this past year has been hard for him and wanted him to know what we all want.

The truth that was exciting, rented the loft of a friend and 80 people met to surprise. When it came not expecting anything and I thought I went to dinner with his friend Oscar to a restaurant after soccer .......... came and we were all with the lights off ....... ..... and sang happy birthday ..................... not believe. We stayed up late dancing to the music while Manollo projected on the wall pictures of him with friends and family ............. Jose says he has been among the best moments of his life ............. ... and I'm so glad to have been part ...................... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE


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