Saturday, March 26, 2011

Safenet Usb Superpro Ultra Pro


Chia seeds help reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease and to normalize the high blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, protect the heart against damage from heart attacks, play a fundamental role in the nervous and immune systems, help in the healthy development of pregnancy and child growth.

Chia seed is a great antioxidant, which, besides protecting fatty acids, protects against tumors, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, viruses and free radicals.

Beyond its excellent lipid profile, chia has a good dose of protein.

has no gluten, therefore can be consumed by celiac sufferers. It is a good source of vitamins of group B.

has minerals, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. In terms of trace elements, is a great source of iron, also contains high levels of zinc and magnesium.

Another virtue of chia is good quantity and quality of fiber, which aid digestion, intestinal transit and have satiating effect.

collaborate in maintaining a healthy nervous and immune system, muscle development and regeneration of tissues.

recommend eating at least one teaspoon of these seeds per day to cover basic needs.


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