Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bleeding Genital Herpes Relieve


Would you like to have the memory of an elephant? Gotu Kola try eating one of favorite food of elephants.
Read on for more home remedies to improve your memory.

elephant eats like Gotu Kola, a plant that loves elephants, has been used for thousands of years to increase mental acuity. There is research to support the use of this herb to improve memory. Buy a standard extract and takes 200 ml, 3 times a day.

Take a break with essential oils

In a health food store, buy a small bottle of essential oil of rosemary or basil. Some brain wave tests show that breathing any of these essences increases production of beta waves in the brain, indicating an intensification of consciousness. What you have to do is put a little oil in your hair, wrists or clothing: any place you can smell. Or put the oil in a diffuser and let it fill the air.

coffee has

If you drink caffeinated drinks, you'll get a short-term improvement in your ability to concentrate. And there may be long-term benefits. In the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon, Portugal, the researchers concluded that older people taking three or four cups of coffee a day were less likely to experience memory loss than people who drank a cup or less.


Take 120 ml of ginkgo biloba daily. This herb appears to improve blood flow to the brain, which helps neurons to get the oxygen they need to work better. In Germany, where the government's Commission E reports regularly on the effectiveness of herbal medicine often prescribes a standard extract of ginkgo to prevent both memory loss and stroke. If you're perfectly healthy, you probably will not see any effect of ginkgo, but if you have low blood pressure to the brain, you'll see results.

Another way to increase blood flow to the brain is to exercise. There is evidence that Exercising can increase the number of neurons in the brain. Any type of regular exercise, but especially aerobic exercise like walking or riding a bike will suffice. Exercise also prevents diseases like diabetes, stroke and high blood pressure, which may contribute to memory loss.

Keep in regular blood glucose level

New research has discovered a link between mild glucose intolerance and memory loss related to age. Converted food through the digestive system into glucose (blood sugar) is the main energy source of all organs, including the brain. But many people, especially those that are no longer young, have low glucose tolerance, which means you have trouble processing glucose and that it be from the bloodstream into cells. According to this research, non-diabetic intolerance to glucose, even seems to reduce short-term memory from middle age.

What to do?

Eat reasonably sized at regular hours, with an emphasis on whole foods, rich in fiber, vegetables and carbohydrates on the "white" as white pasta, white bread, potatoes and white rice. Focus

in the good fats, those found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, avocados and fish. They help keep your blood sugar in the blood without clogging your arteries.

Get your kicks! Regular exercise is another way to prevent blood sugar problems. Take a multivitamin daily. Be sure to provide you with 100% daily value of folic acid and B12, as it is difficult to get these in your daily diet. Even moderate deficiency of any of them can contribute to mental decline.

your problem

Listen Listen to some music
frequently and vary the type of music you hear. Researchers have found that listening to music can improve your ability to concentrate and helps you remember what you learned. Some types of music can do, in fact, that your brain to respond more quickly: the faster the pace, your brain responds faster. Put


instead seek ways to reduce your stress. Tense people have high levels of stress hormones in your body. Over time, these hormones can affect the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory. You do not have to sing or meditate, just do something simple and fun, from swing of a hammock to paint with your hands together with your children or grandchildren. Also

consider taking Siberian ginseng, which helps protect the body from the effects of stress and is said to increase mental alertness. Buy a liquid extract and follow the instructions on the dosage on the label.


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