Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pattern For Backpack Dora The Explorer


The sudden increases in moderate to vigorous physical activity such as jogging or having sex, increase significantly the risk of heart attack, especially in people who do not exercise regularly, researchers published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Doctors already know that physical activity can cause serious heart problems, but the new study helps quantify the risk, said Dr. Issa Dahabreh of Tufts Medical Center in Boston.

The researchers analyzed data from 14 studies and examined the link between exercise, sex and the risk of heart attack or sudden cardiac death, fatal heart rhythm that causes blood to stop flowing.

Researchers found that people are 3.5 times more likely to suffer a heart attack or sudden cardiac death when you are exercising compared with times that are not doing.

and are 2.7 times more likely to suffer a heart attack when have sex or just after, compared with the time do not practice.

Jessica Paulus, another researcher at Tufts who participated in the study, said the risk was quite high. But the increased risk period is short.

"These risks are elevated for only a short period of time (1 to 2 hours) during and after physical or sexual activity," said Paulus.

Because of this, the risk to individuals during the course of a year is still very small, he added.

"If you take 10 000 people, each individual session of physical or sexual activity per week may be associated with an increase of 1 to 2 cases of heart attack or sudden cardiac death each year," Paulus said.

The doctor said it is important to balance the findings with other studies showing that regular physical activity reduces the risk of heart attacks and sudden cardiac death by 30 percent.

"What we really do not want to make is that the public away from this and think that exercise is bad," said the researcher.

This means that people who do not exercise regularly should start any exercise program slowly and gradually increased the intensity of practices over time, he said. NORTH


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